The French put Matalaz's head in secret at Maule

At the entrance of Maule the head of Matalaz, who was hanging, was taken away and buried in secret. Bernard Goienetxe Matalaz was the rector of the uprising against the abolition of Sulatvian forces and the defense of peasants. 7,000 farmers took control of many villages by organizing neighborhood work in these places.

The Bordeaux army stabbed the rebellion and cut his head at Matalazi Lextarre Square, hanging his head to give experience to the citizens in Maule.

In 1955, Koblakari Etxahun-Iruri offered Matalaz a pastoral representative in the village of Eskiula. Its paragraph is as follows:

I die without pain, because
I live
in Cyberoya.

Perhaps the real cyber-monks, the
true eüskaldüns, fall down with a egün to
the strange
tyrants and remedy the popüli of the land that
our parents can endorse.