Martin Larralde was born in the Bordaxuri farmhouse in Hazparn. When his mother died, he asked his father for part of the household and his relationship was radically complicated. The father gave another man permission to gather grass in his land, and during his performance someone shot him.
Martin Larralde was guilty and condemned to remain in lockdown for life. He died in Rochefort's losses in 1821.
His name is known in Basque culture thanks, among other things, to the theatre of Piarres Larzabal. Peio and Pantxoa made a song based on the verses of Bordaxuri and Ruper Ordorika performed the poem Martin Larralde by Joseba Sarrionandia.
BeƱat Hach Enbarek Irizar, Basque Offenders: Martin Larralde (Zuzeu, 30 August 2017).