The first prisoners were transferred to Martutene prison in Donostia

The first prisoners were taken to Martutene prison in Donostia. They had to empty Ondarreta prison, and although the new jail on the Urumea margin was not finished, the prisoners began to move. The first accesses to Martutene were 49 women. Ondarreta prison was abandoned until the City Hall auctioned the management of its waste.

Prisoners in the dining room. Paco Marí / Fototeca Kutxa.

The Franco authorities celebrated with all their greatness the act of laying the first stone.

Vicente Martín / Fototeca Kutxa.
Vicente Martín / Fototeca Kutxa.
Vicente Martín / Fototeca Kutxa.

Here are several photographs of the prison construction.

Paco Marí / Fototeca Kutxa.
Paco Marí / Fototeca Kutxa.
Paco Marí / Fototeca Kutxa.

And finally, open a picture of the newly pulled civil guards.

Paco Marí / Fototeca Kutxa.

Iñaki Egaña, Ondarreta: Prison of the arrow (City Hall of San Sebastián and Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi).