La Furia
Baga Biga, 2024
Cascanteko La Furia-k bosgarren diskoa plazara atera du. Mimoz eta erraietatik, berarentzat funtsezkoak diren osagai horiekin, prestatu du honako pozima, pozoitsua eta aldi berean errukiorra, euskara erdigunean gero eta gehiago jartzen duena. Denbora luzea eman dio prozesuari, pieza bakoitza ekoizle eta estudio desberdinekin landu nahi izan duelako, bakoitzari bere jantzia, bere esentzia, ondo gehitzeko.
Lana zabaltzen duen Ziertzoa-k Zintzoa izena ere izan zezakeen bere jatorri eta sustraien gaineko argudiaketa garden bezain gordina egiteagatik; techno oinarriaren gainean biluztu eta ezbaian jartzen du ustezko benetazko euskalduntasun idilikoa (“Zergatik ez dut nire amalurraren antza?”). Jarraian dator Me sobran dedos oldarkorra –“No fuiste tú fueron ellos. Salga la culpa en su cuello” (Ez zinen zu izan haiek izan ziren. Irten dadila errua haien lepoetan)–, reggaetoia eta rap-raggamuffia tartekatuta.
Promenade da kulpa alderdi askotatik eta sakon behatuta, minimalista jaio eta dantzagarriagoa bilakatzen den techno doinuetan onduta. Pobre cancioncita mía da Oñatiko musikari Aiert Alberdi aldartetsuari merezitako errekonozimendua, folkaren tenpo goxoa raparekin uztartuta. Han matado el arte mainstream, pose eta kulturaren bidegabeko jabetzeari eskainitako okada garratza. Erro kantuan La Furiak bat egiten du dagoeneko ezinbestez anaitzat duen Odeirekin: deserriak, periferiak, erribindikazioak eta mezu zuzenak bat datoz haien biografia eta egunerokoan. Odei-ren produkzioek duten sonoritatea bete-betean harrapatu du lurraldez haragoko pieza eder honek (“Zugan bizi ez den hori, gugan ez baitago hilik”).
Animales-ek gizateriaren kupidagabekeria eta sarraskia amorrazioz deitoratzen du Bad F-Line zenaren antzeko garapen elektroniko bihurrituarekin. Bukatzeko. La Furia-ren ibilbidean oso presente dagoen Rebeca Lanek eta biek, tropikoetako sena aldarri, Gasolina reggaetoi pieza borobil eta dantzagarria erditu dute, dantzagarri bezain sukoia, ederra.
Olaia Inziarte
Panda, 2024
Fourteen songs written during the Depression. Olaia Inziarte presented it in the first late night in Basque that can’t be mentioned now. The bru-ta-la piece Sawdust opens the disc. A jazz... [+]
Autoproduction, 2024
The Arrasate Perlata group has published a new work. He has several records behind him and his latest work is punk, Oi! And it was a documentary in tribute to the unrepeatable... [+]
Xabier Badiola
Gaztelupeko Hotsak, 2023
Let's see. “Current music” is called music to anything that has a box of electronic rhythms, and, of course, you can’t. In these lines we have tried to show that the labels and... [+]
Nick Linbött
Nick Linbött
Kaset Productions, 2024
With the vintage comic suit, the beginning of rock and roll and the experiences of the Cold War witnessed some of the generation characters who, with a ferocious... [+]
City of Dust
Salt Car
International Smoke, 2022
Well, the fashion of quoting Gramsci is over, we can bring it to these lines without accusing of opportunism. Even more so if those of the Coke Salt bring it like this: "Old... [+]
Usopop, 2024
We have nothing to lose,” the baztandarras say. And that's right. They have always made music to enjoy, play and play among four musicians who have been growing up. Since the group was... [+]
Self-production, 2024
It is common to create music groups in the circle of youth, and in Arrasate even more. But keeping a team in shape requires a lot of effort and commitment, and if you don't throw away, time... [+]
The devil with the swords!
International Smoke, 2024
Sticky pop melody guerrillas. Like little Vietcong, one after the other, the Tatxers catch us again with traps or no traps. This is a new album that the hymenical master,... [+]
The Wonderland Kinky
Self-production, 2024
The trio created in Bilbao has little meaning in the name. Moreover, the participants’ journeys have been developed and modified. Marga Alday is known for being one of the... [+]
Agur Eta Omene X Alla va La Fired
Chill Mafia
Chill Mafia has been buried in the era opened by the Mafia Chill. That not everything has to last forever is something that is clearer than everything. And that now is... [+]
Ash Sprouting
Self-Production, 2024
I've been thinking a lot about Debagoiena for a long time, young people almost only in urban music or, oh! They hear music, one or the other; that apart from that, there are not... [+]
Tuka is called
Tu-K, 2024
Electronic music has reached the Basque Country!”, you can read in recent years in headlines here and there. Journalists have delivery dates before it's time to think, and of course,... [+]
Every action has reaction
Artza Records/American Leather Records
For over 25 years, Alex Montiel, founder of the pioneering hardcore band HHH, came to live in Euskal Herria. Here, from scratch, he... [+]
Punk. Punk is back, or, rather, has never gone. Those from Zikine come from Lekitxo (and not from Lekeitio), with the elegant Bala Galdua Zure Buru Galduan who have recently published with Pentecost.
Philosophy “Eixu Zeuk”. That is the basis and the goal. “Take the... [+]