Making a mistake
Itxaro Borda 2025eko urtarrilaren 22a

It is the habit of making decisions that will change our lives with the beginning of the new year. We make lists on three points: one, more sports practice; two, seeing old friends more often; three, going back to Iceland, real and metaphorically. As the months go by, we realize that the targets remain intact, even though the stake was not placed so high.

We know that we do not need anything. As you enter the house, your brain goes through the idea that all those garlands, books, records or worn DVDs, accumulated over the decades, should be delivered, sold or delivered. We also know that this desire for emptiness is a recurrent dream of the citizens of this ritual West. On the sunny morning of Saturday, when Baiona was playing in rugby against Castro, I spoke of it in all frankness, with an old acquaintance of the St. Spirit district.

We reaffirmed that we are not of the rituals, that the little we have achieved at the expense of the work, but that is why we allow ourselves to enjoy these desires that are not ours: we organize our souls and hearts as if we were Japanese gardens, we make a mistake ... No mistake!