Book Non sense
Edward Lear
Translation: Juan Kruz Igerabide
Denonartean, 2024
The writer and illustrator Edward Lear published this work in 1846. As Igerabide says in the prologue of the book, “nonsense humor, absurd humor, it can be said that it is a very English humor, in a broad sense.” The author John Ruskin’s comment on Lear’s work also tells us: “They say it’s the simplest and most favorable book.” That is why the book was worth seeing the light in Euskera.
This classic of children's literature tells us about many things, about human relationships, about education, about fear, about the curiosities of grandparents, etc. Lear was reedited 25 times during his life, and today, as it is a curious and ancient work, we believe it is a work that brings news and contribution.
The book is composed of almost 120 limerick, “a humorous verse, an absurd humor, or rather, absurd”, in the words of Igerabide. They consist of five lines and the first two rimated together; the next two shorter, rimmed together with another rhyme; and the last one, the size of the first and the rhyme. Each of the Limerick is also made up of an image.
The book is a play, composed of brief and humorous poems. That's right, English humor: “An elderly man with timbalo/ played all day to his liking./ They yelled at him. "Oh my God!" Oh, how annoying old! './ And the timbal they used to crush it." Or: “There was one who had a curious habit:/ so swallow a rabbit, all;/ eighteen eating like that,/ it became green afterwards./ He didn’t eat any more later.”
The writer has travelled a great deal in his life and that is also evident in the countries of the protagonists, located in different places in Europe and Asia, but always accompanied by Troy, Norway or Kamchatka, a point of humor and an eccentricity.
It is to be welcomed, therefore, the commitment that Igerabide and the editorial Denonartean have made with this world-renowned work so that children, and not so many children, will laugh a little.
Translation: Aitor Blanco Leoz
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