Anari + Belako When:
5 December.
Where: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.
I remember that the first time I saw Belako live was in the first month of Erasmus. I didn't go to see them, but a concert that was finally suspended. In return, Belako played twice. He didn't give me any grace. And a few years later I'm here, because I have a lot to say about them, on the occasion of the tour they've undertaken along with Anari of the Power Stations. I've gone to see them: there's change.
Anari has been the first to warm up the atmosphere of the day. We have all too often said melancholy music (and other more sublime things), but another roll is the last album, and it has defended it magnificently to the public. Then we will put them in the fire and the glass tower just said, and the mungiarras have come.
Josu Ximun says they're nervous and that's a good sign. And what I'm going to say about Belako's direct: the beginning is brutal, there's some middle version, at a time when the lighting technician decided to represent the letters T and I of LGTBIQ like those of G [a luminous fable for a dark time] and the end (not just the colabo) is brutal. Deus ex machina was wonderful. We raise expectations after we've been listening to the song all week in the loop. And they did.
Since they won the mock-up contest, they've been here and there. But beyond. Isn't it? I do not know, I have the impression that in recent years, since that Plastic drama (2020), they are increasingly moving in the circuits of Euskal Herria. The phenomenon seems strange to me. How we've been able to see them in festivals and state halls, cartel heads, and here we didn't value them or they didn't find a place for them. And today to say that they are part of this youth/txosnero group is not a big slip. I do not know my colleagues and their reasons, but, at least seen from the outside, it gives a feeling like this: they have looked back at the Basque Country and we respond. A clear example of this can be, in turn, the singing made with Anari. But well, all of this is just the ideas that That A has.
The day I write this in Bilbao and San Sebastian there are no tickets left for this little tour. But if you can, go and see the one of these.
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Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
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