On Angel!
Iñaki Murua 2024ko urriaren 16a

It was impossible to guess who was or who was the motto I read, but who was!

Ángel González Olvera was known in Mexico 11 years ago when the bertsolaris invited us to a few days with their improvisers. He lived on a high hill, feeding on birds, pigeons, pigeons, hedgehogs, foxes, wild boars... A delicate trove, humble and hardworking, who sang to the peasants and the pastors in verse of their own feelings and experiences, a life of sun and storms, of howls and moss. It is not known how many topazos he made (two quarters each, two violins and two guitars usually, while the fans danced at the rhythm of music) until dawn, with the most prestigious trovators of the time. Leonila Oviedo lived in a community known as Palomas (Region of Xichú), where he had a relationship with his children. It is what is known as “El Arribeño de Huapango”, in the massif of Xichú, especially in the center of Querétaro and Potosi, is what the troberos do, and he, who naturally united mountaineering and huapango. The father sent the animals to graze and one day, ignoring the orders, went to school for three hours and learned the vowels. The rest, not least, at the university of life.

The father ordered the animals to graze and one day, without hearing the orders, went to school for three hours and learned the vowels.

As it was, humble, genuine and natural. He sang to the Mexicans who went to the United States: Yes, you're going to look for greatness, you're going to win gold, you're going to know if you're coming back. There they will welcome you with open hands, who will cultivate the land? Who would sow beans, corn? If you eat what the land has given you, you need the Mexicans!

At a conference he told us about his adventures, which in many cases went eighty-six kilometers a day, with a guitar his father had bought at the age of 19. His eyes were clouded when he remembered that time and that situation. As she told us, they were coming back from a brinco down the roads of the mountains, avid and thirsty, and they asked a housewife if she had anything to eat on a farm, and after eating something, they started singing to thank her. Before I could realize it, the woman cried and, wanting to know the reason for her tears, when she approached, she said to her: "Here you see what and how we live, and every week I go with vegetables at the fair with which I can get some money and buy what I need at home. I went and I come with the donkey, but he died last month and when you started singing you reminded me of the donkey fishing. He knew how to laugh at himself!