Tourism vs. geoglyphs
Nagore Irazustabarrena Uranga @irazustabarrena 2024ko irailaren 11
Argazkia: Fundación Desierto de Atacama
Argazkia: Fundación Desierto de Atacama

The Atacama Desert Foundation has denounced on social networks the destruction of the geoglyphs of the area and, through several photographs, has shown the destruction that visitors who travel in 4x4 vehicles to the desert are causing. These are large geoglyphs made between 1000 and 1520, some over 30 meters, so they are easily visible to the naked eye. The Foundation, in principle, does not request the complete cessation of road traffic, but the use of geoglyphs and other routes.

In 2021, the Foundation filed a formal complaint with the Chilean Public Prosecutor’s Office, but in three years no action has been taken to protect the heritage preserved so far in good condition by desert conditions.