Open letter to the Education Counsellor (and II)
Tere Maldonado @teremaldon 2024ko irailaren 11

Dear Mrs:

How about summer? I hope. On this occasion, I will go to the point, with your permission.

As you know, coming into the competitive logic of ultra-liberal markets, educational institutions must implement all kinds of "projects". You should know that many of them do not help to achieve the stated goals (coexistence, equality…), becoming a cosmetic varnish. These objectives would be much easier to achieve if our working conditions really improved.

Many bad situations have worsened in recent years, for example:

- At any time during the course we receive students who do not speak one (or none) of the two official languages of the Community and we have to enter the classroom with very little help (in number of hours and in staff). The right to education of these pupils is violated, not because of the centre (which does everything it can), but because the Department of Education does not provide the necessary resources.

- Number of students with special needs. These students need adaptations that adapt the materials, contents, procedures, etc. to the specific needs of each student. This type of adaptation requires, on many occasions, the teacher to have a training that he does not have and a careful reading of a lot of materials, where general instructions and advice are given on how to act, ad hoc meetings with the family and the center's counselor, psychological visits, contact, etc.

The right to education of newly arrived students is violated, not because of the center, but because the Department of Education does not provide the necessary resources

- Students requiring specific protocols (e.g. risk of suicide or harassment). The implementation of these protocols may be incompatible with other unavoidable tasks due to a significant increase in their number.

- Intolerances and food allergies of the students. In the face of a problem, the teacher or teacher must initiate concrete and immediate actions in the classroom or in the care. But it is possible that he is attending to students who must be monitored at all times (the ones mentioned above), as has happened on more than one occasion.

- Disruptions, conflicts of coexistence, disrespect and aggression. The issue is very serious, it goes beyond our work and should be a profound reflection. Of course, it's another source of work overload, frustration and stress. To solve this problem, it is necessary to provide the centres with more specialized staff and, once again, to alleviate the teaching burden.

In addition, current social circumstances tend to infantilize and overprotect adolescents and young people. The lack of a frequent working habit (which can sometimes lead to psychological pathology, but which is a consequence, among other factors, of the decline of parental and teaching authority) requires that relations between teachers and families be less frequent. We need time and quality spaces to provide an adequate and coordinated response.

All of this makes the burntout syndrome more and more common among us. The mistreatment of the educational administration, which does not even take care of the telephone (a phenomenon known as "bunkerization"), places a golden brooch on our task and adds great pain and suffering. In these conditions, physical, psychological and emotional distress are not surprising and will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the quality of our work.

I have to end. Let's see if this course begins to solve the problems under the symbol of Auzolana.

In the hope that this will be the case, I should like to greet you warmly.