Enric Marco: two characters in the same skin
  • It has been 20 years since the scam was uncovered in which it was mixed: Enric Marco, an alleged victim of the Holocaust, was never in a concentration camp. It wasn't a trick, because Marco was who. It was the president of the Spanish Association of Victims of the Holocaust, a well-known spokesman, who put the issue in question by giving statements to the media. The fictional film Marco, by Moriarti, will be premiered at the San Sebastian Film Festival, within the pearls section. We've talked to director Jon Garaño.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko irailaren 11
Pelikulako fotograma bat. Eduard Fernandezek gorpuztu du Enric Marco; laudorio ugari jaso ditu lanagatik.
Pelikulako fotograma bat. Eduard Fernandezek gorpuztu du Enric Marco; laudorio ugari jaso ditu lanagatik.

The lie lasted over 30 years. Enric Marco (Barcelona, 1921-2022) became known in Spain, or rather, its history, about twenty years ago. For those who don't want to see the Wikipedia, a summary: Publicly, for the first time in 1976, Marco said that Germany had been in prison in a Nazi concentration camp, and he made himself known in 2005, through a historian who surprised him in the traps, that everything was false. It was true, however, that Germany was in the Nazi, but not in the years they were told. And he was working for the Nazis. He was in prison, but he did not tread any of the concentration camps. It was never that “anti-fascist fighter” that he sold.

Enric Marco was a particularly good speaker, through which he became president and spokesman for the Spanish Association of Victims of the Holocaust, created by the deportees in the Nazi and Mauthausen concentration camps. Previously, he was one of the leaders of the CNT trade union. He conveyed charisma and credibility and delivered numerous lectures, especially in schools, but also in more visible spaces such as the Congress of Deputies. A lot appeared on television and in mainstream media, as he was a great lecturer. I had come up, but I couldn't get up. In fact, meetings of prisoners are held every year in Mauthausen which are held, year after year the presidency is changed, and that Spain is the president of the table was its proposal, in 2005. For the first time, he managed to ensure that a president of the Spanish Government was present at these events, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, expressing his support. Spain, which was to chair the Bureau, would deliver its main address: Enric Marco was the leading candidate. He was in charge of making the speech.

But things didn't come out as he wanted. A few days before his stay in Mauthausen, historian Benito Bermejo, an expert in the investigation of the Spaniards who were in the German concentration camps, made known the truth of Marco. I was following him for months because I suspected he was liking because the information that had been found in some hidden documents said: Marco had been in Nazi Germany, but volunteered to the island, thanks to an agreement between Franco and Hitler, as many Spaniards worked in German Nazi armaments. The historian wanted to meet Marco to talk about his face-to-face information. But Marco did not listen to him. It is clear why. Going too far, giving that speech by Mauthausen was not small, and the historian had only to tell the truth: he sent two reports of the evidence found to the Spanish Association of Victims of the Holocaust and the Spanish Government.

He didn't stop there, although Mr.
Marco was surprised by the lie, but he didn't shut up. At least another decade he continued to insist on the issue. He said that he was a victim of media outbreaks, that he had done “outreach work” to publicize the experience of the deportees and that he had to thank a people who had also suffered while in Nazi Germany and who therefore had much to say...

For the umpteenth time he circulated in the media. As a farce, but he kept talking. It was fresh content for journalists. They made him a documentary in 2009, when the cameras helped Germany, and he was really imprisoned in that jail and elsewhere. And in 2014, he wrote the biographical novel El impostor, by the writer Javier Cercas.

At the end of 2024, Marco de la productora Moriarti. The Truth Invented (Marco. The truth that has been invented), the premiere of the fictional film. The film will be released in theaters on 8 November, according to Zinegoak. Previously, it will be projected in the pearls section of the San Sebastian Film Festival, to close the section.