Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"The leaders of Paris have been told that you can't win with an anti-Basque candidate"

  • Peio Dufau is one of the most tireless militants of Ipar Euskal Herria: a professional driver, involved in the CGT trade union, committed to the Bake Bidean dynamic and carrying in the association of the same name since they detected the strange Wolfram disease to his daughter. From the left and Abertzale, he has also been a member of EH Bai for a long time. He entered the House of the People of Ziburu in 2020, succeeding in toppling the unity of the leftist parties and putting an Abertzale for the first time. It has been four years since he won the seat of a Member of the French Parliament. Representative of the New People's Front, he is the first Member of Ipar Euskal Herria who presents himself as a nationalist in the Basque Parliament.
Peio Dufau, Fronte Herritar Berriaren hautagai abertzalea, hauteskundeetako irabazlea. Argazkia: Dani Blanco
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

He quoted us before taking the train that goes to Paris. How do you feel? How do you hold that post as a Member?

Happy. Beyond that, I feel people's desire to change things. It is a great job to do, for the values we defend, for the Basque Country that we defend. The citizens expect a great deal, and I am aware of that. I am also keen to do my duty. So far I've been in Paris for two days, but it's been for the administration: to form a political group, to capture the place -- to buy clothes [laughter]. I have to set the first quotations here: I want to meet with all the agents, with the associations, with the auzapezes -- to complete my network.

You are therefore a Member who wants to make way in Saretu.

A Member has no complete knowledge, and that is why I want to be part of the network with local actors. I want to be with all the agents, not just the nationalists. When talking about agriculture, let us say that I have been with the Basque Country Chamber of Agriculture and with the ELB, but also with the FDSEA trade union. It is important to be a Member of all, to take the view of all and to decide on it, always explaining the position taken. This need for explanation is also great, because the discussions in Paris do not necessarily rise from here. I am very interested in this, I very much like it in the dialogue and in the construction. I have worked as a trade unionist and have always had the desire to meet each other. As a member of the CGT trade union, I have taken several steps on the road to working with LAB; I was not the only one, of course, but I have worked for it. In the Village House the same thing we've been with Eneko [Aldana, mayor abertzale] for four years. Those of the opposition here, that is to say the right, voted in favour of me. This shows us that if you talk and work, then people accept your commitment.

It was also Abertzale. Until recently we could not imagine a Frenchman voting in favour of a nationalist.

Thanks to the steps taken by the pacifists, things have changed in recent years. In the 2022 National Assembly elections, I ranked third, on behalf of EH Bai. It was surprising that in those elections everything was settled in Paris, where the summed left gained 19% and EH Bai 15%. I have some friends on the sides of the left and I've told you we're defeated. I would never have imagined that we would vote as soon as possible and an alliance would be achieved as soon as I was in Paris, here too. It's a real consolation. My image may have facilitated the way for some French parties, because I have been with them militating in trade unionism. They know me and they have no doubts about the values that I have as left-wing.

"Within EH Bai there has been a debate about the possibility of presenting it with the New Popular Front, but in the end 95% has been in favor"

How do you explain the development of the Abertzale vote?

As we have said, the peace process has made the way for us. When we started the talks in the context of the Euroorder against Aurore Martin [in 2011], the situation was entirely different. To begin with, we used different words; let us think, for those of the Communist Party there was no political prisoner in the Basque Country. A great secret job was done: a lot was said, we began to use the same dictionary, each began to listen, understand and accept the truth of the other... This would involve the Aiete Declaration and the next steps. As far as the Basque Country is concerned, there is a broad consensus in the Basque Country. Look at the theme of Beskoitz: the ikastola or the mayor, the ikastola is the winner. Today, no one is opposed to the Basque Country, and that is the result of work that has been going on for many years. In Ziburu, we have won the People’s House, but it is also thanks to a great deal of work ahead of the opposition. A society is built among all, and the Abertzales are working for all of us. We have always heard that “with these cases, they are lanzeros”. But now we've won some People's Houses and we're working. When you see it, you understand that great strides have been made along the way. See the Sixth District: In Uztaritze we have the Houses of the People, in Urruña, in Ziburu... Things are changing, and if we continue to work seriously, we will win other fights. The struggle for housing has historically been an Abertzale struggle, as stated by IK 40 years ago, and today we all know he was right.

Has discrepancies emerged within EH Bai regarding the possibility of opting for a New Popular Front?

There was debate, but 95% supported the proposed agreement, knowing that at the time of the vote on the agreement, the candidature for the fifth district was an anti-Abertzale. This broad consensus is explained, on the one hand, because it is terrible to see the extreme right as soon as possible and, on the other, because that confluence with all leftist parties is historic. Beforehand, we have come together among left-wing forces in some villages – Ziburu, Urruña, … – in front of the houses of the people. I can talk about my case and as far as the House of the People of Ziburu is concerned, it has a lot of fun. We must realise this, even in the face of Paris.

In the fifth, the anti-abertzale was replaced by Colette Capdevielle and his successor Alain Iriart of EH Bai. How has this great change been possible?

At first, the candidate was Sandra Hgh-Ostanel, of the French indiscriminate party. He is a friend of the CGT militancy, but yes, he is anti-Basque. Much has been said and even with the heads of Paris, to explain that with an anti-Basque one could not be won. It was a very clear condition.

I am amazed that Paris has heard it.

Yes, and in addition to hearing it, you have taken it into account. It is astonishing, but, as has been said, if it is spirit it can be built.

This can open up new avenues. Looking at the binomial of Capdevielle and Iriarte, the mind heads to the House of the People of Baiona. The right has long been standing firm in the capital of Lapurdi. This union can provide an opportunity for change. It has been seen that what seemed impossible is possible.

You said two truths. On the one hand, we have shown that we can work together, and on the other hand, it has been confirmed that someone who is anti-Basque is not going to happen. Jean-René Etchegaray [mayor of Baiona, centre-right] has known this for a long time: He was a lawyer for SEASKA, also for EHLG. I do not understand the position of the French leftist parties. But, as you say, the candidate of the House of the People of Baiona, Henri Etcheto [of the Socialist Party, Jacobin], crystallizes the positions against him – and I do not judge the person because I do not know him –. How do you want the Baiona City Hall to win? It is not possible. They don't understand that to win you have to put everything in your favor. That goes beyond words, you also have to put yourself through actions.

Going up to the election, but what about activism on the street. Is there a risk that this area will be weakened?

I see them together and compatible. In addition, today we win a few fights that we have never won. This battle of ideas must be pursued seriously. I believe, I believe, that we are right and that we are on the right track, and I believe that if we continue that way we will win. But that's what we have to work for.

"I have fought in the CGT trade union to defend the workers and also to defend my status of Basque and leftist abertzale"

However, a member of EH Bai, you are a Member of the French Parliament. It is special to find it there, next to famous French politicians, representatives of the extreme right RN...

Yes, it's special. Last week, for example, I had Laurent Wauquiez [president of right-wing party Los Republicanos] behind me when I was eating. It is special, but at the same time it is: in the militancy I have also had those who seek to destroy our jobs at the same time. I think that in these cases you have to be respectful and that you play face to face through ideas. I am prepared to defend our ideas.

An abertzale to the parliament, also trade unionists, anti-racist militants, anti-fascist activists, feminist activists. It is interesting to see how the FHB has transformed Parliament.

Then Macron said he wanted to transform that, but he brought in people from non-politicized civil society precisely to vote for him. In the HBV, however, there are people with a long political and militant trajectory. Although I am 45 years old, I have a rather long career as a trade unionist and I am clear that nobody will tell me what I have to do: we will talk and decide together, no less and no more. I've always worked that way, and I'll work that way. Rules shall not be crossed. That serves me and others I know. If you are a Member, you must think about yourself and bring to Paris the voice of the people of your land.

It includes the cry of the Basques and the Abertzales.

Of course, the issue of the Basque Country and the political conflict, among others. But, in addition to this work to be carried out in the National Assembly, the leaders of the leftist parties in Paris must be taken. We know exactly what your position is, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s position is not good. We have to talk to them because, without understanding them, people are frightened – and that is true for all parties. This possibility of speaking in parallel will facilitate relations between us. The local leaders of these parties are always against us. This makes no sense, I have said it over and over again. In addition to the social struggle, in favour of culture is in the main struggles of the left. How can they be opposed to the local languages on which culture is based! They always bear the idea of the unity of France. A Frenchman from Strasbourg always warns of the need to respect the possibility of coming unhindered to Euskal Herria. We appreciate a worker here when he is Euskaldun, but we do not rule out him if he is Euskaldun – on the contrary, we will propose training courses to learn Euskera. We have to take that debate to Paris to warn them that we are not enemies and that they see that we do not share the image they have of the nationalists. I have fought in the CGT trade union to defend the workers, and also to defend my status as a Basque and leftist abertzale.

The President, Emmanuel Macron, does not want to know the victory of the Left in the referendum. The situation is special.

This is a comedy in which Macron continues to play, despite the fact that in recent weeks he has been 100% wrong. When the National Assembly was disbanded, I thought that the Left was not going to unite, and I actually had a good play, because we have seen that there has been a vote to hinder the far Right; therefore, if the Left had not joined, those votes would have gone in their favour. I had a good calculation, what happens is that the parties on the left have been organised and that was not planned. This organisation cannot remain in it. I believe that if in the process of making joint work possible you have to remove some heads from it, then you have to take them off. During the campaign we have seen what has been built around Melencon: the media have placed it as a candidate for hatred, while Jordan Bardella is totally bleached. I don't accept all of Melencón's visions, nor the ways to do it, but he has a very good, very good program. The media has managed to dirty the person, just to disqualify his candidacy and his movement. In addition, I believe that we in the National Assembly must behave properly, seriously and constructively, and it is true that this has not always been the case in the last two years.

But will it not accept the victory of the left?

We're in a comedy. The Left has difficulty in reaching an agreement on the replacement for the post of Prime Minister. Each one has his point of view, each one has his ego and that is what Macron is used for. But it won't last. Macron knows he can't ally with the extreme right, and that's where the border is, without the left he can't do anything. I could say that it is an epiphenomenon that will barely last and will pass as it has come. In fact, this is a rather classic phenomenon, in which many European parliaments operate without an absolute majority. Although it's not always easy, it can be done. The thing is that the media give a very great deal of support to the situation.

Peio Dufau, on 7 July, proclaimed champion of the Champions League immediately after the victory. Photo: Patxi Beltzaiz. Mediabask

Finally, what about the information from the Libération newspaper? The relatives of Macron and those of the RN, Bardella and Marine Le Pen, held secret meetings at least since December.

It is a disgrace. The acceleration of the far right has been the game of Macron for years and it is unacceptable that it equates itself to the far right and to the candidature of the left which is now called "the far left". It does not know the history of France, it is not possible. How on earth can you work or talk to people who have that kind of idea? I do not understand. What is true is that the far right proposes measures to protect large companies. So I understand that Bardella and Le Pen have been so sponsored by the media in the hands of the big billionaires. The media are preparing the next step: they have seen that Macron is burned – and they are right – so they are looking at his equal – left or far right. They know that they will manage well with the far right. Let us not forget that Macron comes from the bank Rothschild: he is not a political agent, he is an economic agent. How could I get the campaign money without parts? The money received it in passing, it was in every media and won it. Since then, it has been doing its best for large companies and for the great fortunes. Today it is he who regards the left as extreme left – when the FHB programme is not as ambitious as the programme of François Mitterranden [president of 1981, socialist]. Words are of great importance and influence, and the media do enormous damage, whitening the tip of the right. As far as social networks are concerned, the same applies. It's terrible. Without political conscience, there are many people who voted in favour of the extreme right. Faced with them, we have a great job to do. What keeps the far right we have to bring to light.

Before the French presidential elections in 2027. This is a very urgent challenge.

Yes, and on this road until 2027 we have great importance these first weeks and months.

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