Zero multiplied, who knows the result!
Iker Barandiaran @IkerBarandiara 2024ko uztailaren 10a
Cajón de mis medicinas / Zero / Autoekoizpena.
Cajón de mis medicinas / Zero / Autoekoizpena.

The sum of four elements does not always give four, usually more than that. And of course, they walked through a number of projects and to know how and why they came together. Atxe, Led Inferno, Osoron and Txerra. We thought they were going to make punk for the background, but they are so open and unforeseen (precisely the Led Hell, which has not had any other musical project) that we are surprised step by step.

Probably starting from scratch helps them to act with breadth and attitude, doing what gets them at the tip of the boobs; they are totally free and are noticeable more and more. And the punkis yes, there are, from head to toe, but they want to go beyond the clichés styles, although in the direct ones - there is no doubt that they love sweat, rage, provocation, interaction and juego.En this new work, freedom and the lack of prejudices they live (apart from the healthy and good relationships they have) is even more so.

Look at Narbaiza and Joseba B. With Lenoir, with the best quality and attention. The album starts with Drawer of my medicines, a fun rock-and-roll with moderate, happy rhythm changes, which as measured gets soaked in psychodelia and fake and dancing rhythms. Next comes I'm still here, stolen from the original big Warsaw Joy Division, but they've taken him to his field with strength and elegance, to punk and to the skizo-garage surfer. Essays of your urban rock funeral, rock-and-roll makarra was born and the dirty garage-rock dies guitarist. The punk rock crazed by Intza, which disappears as they arrive, and by Jango, to the size of me Spazztic Blur. Dime shows that the boundaries between hard rock and heavy rock are diffuse and that Vitoria is further north of the guitars map than Scandinavia. Finally, they have won the wager: they have shown that they are able to write a rocker ballad for the radio formulas with the song Ez da talka bat izan. Or didn't they do it on purpose?