Claiming the dignity of witches
Ainhoa Aldazabal Gallastegui 2024ko uztailaren 10a
Sorginak, emaginak eta erizainak / Barbara Ehrenreich eta Deirdre English / Katakrak, 2019.
Sorginak, emaginak eta erizainak / Barbara Ehrenreich eta Deirdre English / Katakrak, 2019.

For a matter of work, I had to reread this wonderful book. A short book that brings together feminist theory, genealogy and history, and that will surely have a lot of criticism looking on the net and, surprise! I found one, which Irati Majuelo wrote in Berria.El book published by Katakrak consists of two main parts: the editorial note, the preamble of

Silvia Federici and an entry to each publication by the authors. In the foreword that Federici makes for the Basque edition, he highlights the importance of this book to write Caliban eta sorgina (Elkar, 2017). The authors of the book refer to a series of courses that have been launched by feminist women in Boston, as well as the revolutionary book Our Bodies, Ourselves (1970).

In the second part, Ehrenreich and English called a document, as the essay we are going to read is between 60 and 70 pages. The subtitle of the book gives us many clues: A story of female healers. In fact, the book that was first published in 1971 wanted to question the account of the witches that had been built up until then, far from ancient and demonic stigmas. To do this, three subsections are divided and finally the conclusiones.Una of the main theses of the first subsection

are retained. The witches, who wanted to demonstrate that they were midwives, healers, nurses, and that we could call genocide to establish the medicine we know today, express it, for example: "Witch hunts were well organised for the implementation, financing and conduct of campaigns by the churches and states" 45.or. With American authors, the second part analyzes how this process developed in the United States and delves into the figures of midwives and

enfermeras.Los authors write the document or essay with straight and clear phrases. The reflection is nourished by excerpts of documents and images from the time of witches, showing what was counted, what is our imaginary about it, etc. The book is a treasure, an essential text that marks a milestone in history. Once read, the reading we have about the current situation is a powerful text that can cambiar.Una of the biggest losses we have experienced as a collective is the interruption

of knowledge of witches, and the text denounces it. It claims the dignity of witches, their place and the return of the story.