Hysterical materialism
Containing fears
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2024ko uztailaren 10a

I should give up writing this column, but it's late. Elections have been held in France. Where is France? Yes, up here in the north; but in the world I don't know where France is now, what it is. And I don't know when I look at him almost exclusively in fear.

I know almost nothing about French politics. I am one of those Basques of Gipuzkoa who know in more detail Spanish politics than their own, and the old generalities of French politics, as well as that of our North. I could make a self-criticism to criticize that ignorance.

Or focus on what this time they gave to the issue: if nationalist Peio Dufau would be a member (yes) within the NFP; if the Fn, the extreme right, would win the election. Unfortunately, the NFP has won and I do not know how to say anything.

I can insist on the extreme right, which has not won, but which has won, and which is a global boom. I can get back apocalyptic. Bad luck has meant that in the United Kingdom the results are not the same as in the rest of the world. It doesn't match generality. But even if it seems, what, I don’t see a clear diagnosis, I don’t see it either, I think one a month, and I get very angry with many explanations, and yes to so many, but then, well, but… and what I know, I also forget. I do not dare to have an opinion, perhaps, which is why I have so many. Sometimes I think we should not have more on the subject at a time, which seems traumatised, that we do not draw the right conclusions.

To say something, it seems that the French are as afraid as I am of a part of their country, and that fear has been profitable in the seats (and, therefore, especially in the non-seats). I have recalled that phrase from Gravois (paraphrasing Borges) that I had previously mentioned “if it is not love, let it be dreadful”, which did not work, and perhaps it was the bravery of the Argentinians that brought Milei, and the fear of the French has taken the government away from Le Pen. Perhaps that is what we have to guess, what we have to do at every moment, courage or fear. We stubborn in overcoming fears, in scaring, in not listening. The fears of life should not be uprooted until it is proven that they are not right. And there may be a shared fear to get enough reasons together. Until we know that there are solutions, that fear saves us (each other).