Songs to carry in the pockets
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2024ko uztailaren 05a
Kordoba bidea / Borla / Flexidiscos, 2024.
Kordoba bidea / Borla / Flexidiscos, 2024.

You cannot read a group without taking into account the past of your colleagues; and in this case, exercise is even more difficult. There's a member of Tatxers, and Borla reminds the Tatxers group. It is inevitable to think about the previous group, but we stayed short, because behind the clean chorus guitars we have a fresh and original group, Borla.Se gathered in

Pamplona in the teaching master and the threesome started to come together to add a point of pepper and salt to life. All three of them are immersed in other projects, but they are somehow confronted with day-to-day boredom. MARTIN Ciriza is in Tatxers, Timeo Dedieu Blessuren and Ander Redin in Comic Sansen, between

otros.El pop is elegant, but the heart is in punk. Knowing the climate of self-management well, they have already got a place. After the publication of a small demo, the editorial Flexidiscos has recently published the work Cordoba Bidea, with which several artists have collaborated.

β€œTo do a thousand things and do nothing,” they have everyday and naturalness as building material. They don't have trouble pruning in the rhymes, they ripen noise with noise and they stay quiet. What a great pleasure! With the lost pot, you can count anything.

Pamplona is a city that seems vital from the outside and is about to burst at any time. On Tuesday's jazz theme, however, we found a young man who doesn't know how to cope with boredom, almost without direction. β€œA new war starts in my

room.” That's Borla's key: small letters are songs that can be carried in the pockets. However, they are not small songs, as they make more bearable the day to day and make you more eager to be together.