The New Popular Front obtained 31.98% of the votes of Ipar Euskal Herria (55,206 votes), according to data provided by Efe. The extreme right, the National Union (RN), has added 25.61% of the votes (44.214) and the Ensemble of Macron 22.28% (38.470).
The New Popular Front has been imposed in all three constituencies. Fourth, Iñaki Etxaniz remained with 38.01% of the votes, fifth Colette Capdevielle with 32.30% and sixth Peio Dufau with 29.43%. The extreme right was the second force in two of the three
districts, fourth and fifth. In the sixth, it remains in the third place, behind the Macron party, where there has been no candidature for Macron in the fourth constituency.
EH Bai has participated in these elections within the New Popular Front. Knowing the results, he has highlighted on social networks that in Ipar Euskal Herria and in the three districts the first force has been the New Popular Front, and has shown his concern for the advancement of the extreme right: "It is time to defend the agreements and fundamental values of this territory," he added. We call everyone responsabilidad.En the three
constituencies could mourn among the three candidates in the second round of the elections. In particular, the candidates who have placed in third place – Lassalle in fourth, Lasser in fifth and Lastecoueres in sixth – have announced their intention to remain in the fight. The second round will take place on 7 July, at 19:00.
The extreme right in France has gone from eight Members to 89 years. Thus, for the first time, the Union Nacional RN de Marine Le Pen can form a parliamentary group, which gives it many advantages: firstly, consistent financial support. Each vote on the first round will generate... [+]
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Frantziako legebiltzarreko bozendako hautagaiek ostirala dute azken epea izena ofizialki emateko Paueko prefeturan. Ipar Euskal Herria eta Biarnoa batzen dituen laugarren hautesbarrutian, sei hautagaik jadanik jakinarazi dute diputatu izan nahi dutela. EH Bai alderdiaren... [+]