Consistency compensation
Iker Barandiaran @IkerBarandiara 2024ko ekainaren 19a
Fly Shit eta Brot Bord / Kasba Musik.
Fly Shit eta Brot Bord / Kasba Musik.

Fly Shit is one of the few hardcore groups in Debagoiena. Without great intentions and totally convinced when they do, they have a firm path on their backs without squeezing the hurts and at the same time without cuts. Moreover, they have never given a bad concert, nor a major step s.En the road and in the context of the gaztetxeak, occupied houses and self-management, the hardcore has not only been kept in shape, but has been enriched in each of the works they have

done over 30 years.
They fully live what they sing and take advantage of the loopholes left by their lives to do what they like most: record and give directos.El work and coherence have a reward, or should! and, in a way, the

Kasba Musik stamps of Catalonia have taken as a gift the publication of a half-disc with the Catalan group Brot Bord. Both are happy to present a new job in Euskal Herria, in Catalonia and in other places where the agendas of life to them permiten.El Bergara's quartet grows step by step, exploring and enjoying more and

more spaces in the hardcore. In this work they have gathered six new songs. Together they have started the album with a rich piece that shows that the group had been banishing prejudices for a long time, as the song lasts four and a half minutes. It has the special intro that carries the best of post-hardcore, half the tempo and the acidity between melancholy and impossibility. Follow Hitzak, a fast hardcore-punk from the old school that combines melodic passages. Awakening lozorrico has a weight – measured – almost metal, and special riffs and rhythms that make a strong and fun piece. Cholera is a piece of hardcore that brings together half-tempos, almost raped, and fresher rhythms. And finally, with the forceful contribution to the Basque Country of Merchandise, of the great musical group Fugazi.
We cannot fail to mention the Brot Bord group. A group of veterans from Catalonia stars a hardcore-punk rock, melodic and melodic.