Karmelo Landa @karmelolanda 2024ko maiatzaren 29a

The Basques and the Catalans live in a state of siege in Spain, and we also have no clear awareness of this, I believe. In Catalonia this has been very evident in the last elections and in the aftermath.

What has happened is truly analyzable: The intervention of the Spanish factual powers in the electoral campaign, directed directly from Madrid and the “landings” of the state agents that have subsequently occurred in the Catalan territories. I highlight the most spectacular: The attitude of Pedro Sánchez towards Catalonia. After the uncanny melodrama of its “five days”, the effect was directly oriented to influence the Catalan elections, using exclusively and irreverently both TVE and other state media, and then appearing repeatedly in Catalonia (mainly in Barcelona) and participating, announcing or surprisingly in the campaign.

At the same time, the most powerful media in the State, both on press television and on social networks, have continuously acted against the Catalan independentists and more specifically against Carles Puigdemonte.

In practice it can be said that there has been absolutely unbalanced electoral competition and that the results have been largely cooked outside Catalonia. Remember that after that five-day show by Pedro Sánchez, in a short interval of three or four days from the beginning of the Catalan campaign, the list of the PSC-PSOE of Salvador Illa passed two points in the estimation of votes significantly. The effects of the interventionist tsunami that came after are difficult to determine, but have been seen in the final results.

In Catalonia or in the Basque Country, anyone who wants to see the PSOE as a progressive ally to avoid the government of the right and the extreme right is deceiving himself.

In the counterpoint, we discovered how Carles Puigdemont, already exiled six years ago, has been excluded from the electoral space, from the central debates, from the most spectacular events of the campaign, which has become the principal referent of electoral independence.

All I mentioned earlier is a mere statement. But the most amazing thing was later. A completely manipulated interpretation of the results of the Catalan elections and, as a result, a suffocating political climate created by the Spanish State and the PSOE government itself. The official doctrine has quickly decided, and has led everyone to believe, that in Catalonia Spanish unionism has won the elections and thus the road to independence has been closed forever, and now there is no other democratic alternative than to put Salvador Illa (i.e. Spain) in Catalan power.

In Hego Euskal Herria we have not freed ourselves from PSOE style. Three weeks before the elections were held in the Basque Country, and then we also saw how the lords of the “progressive government” in Madrid acted, when they saw the wild PNV-PSOE alliance jeopardize to get enough votes, then they took out the Madrid media battery of manipulation and crazed the growing alternative and frozen its ascent.

In Catalonia or in the Basque Country, who wants to see the PSOE as a progressive ally to avoid the government of the right and the extreme right, he deceives himself and condemns us, the citizens, to permanent frustration. Ask the followers of Esquerra de Cataluña. Because the PSOE itself is the guardian of all the tangent and oppressive structures of this Spanish State. On the contrary, our choice lies in the consolidation of national work and in the revitalization of independence.