Stop fascism!
Arantza Gutierrez Paz @arantzatxu 2024ko maiatzaren 29a

European elections will be held on 9 June, votes that appear to be of less interest to the public, although we have much at stake. The picture that is presented, moreover, is not at all optimistic, as considerable progress is expected from the far-right. We are called upon to combat fascism, to defend the political and social rights that have been achieved through fights of years, because history has shown us on more than one occasion that they are not forever, and there is a real risk of involution.

But I would say that the extreme right has already managed to influence certain speeches, and although fascism is aimed at migrants, the reaction to xenophobia and hatred is warm, such as the uncritical reading of the European Pact on Migration and Asylum being made in some forums. On other occasions, although there is talk of the need for extra-European people as (cheap) labour, border shielding is not called into question (we) with the argument of security. As if the danger came from the outside, the undesirable wars by the citizens and the necropolitics are fed by the authorities.

It is no coincidence that among the businessmen who photographed with Javier Milei there are no women, because the fascists hate both women and migrants, not deceive us that some spokespeople are.