Gabarra, tabar... and women what?
Itziar Moreno Martínez 2024ko maiatzaren 22a

It's been a few weeks since the red-white collective madness and, yes, I know, besides not being last minute, many of us are fed up with it. Today I have the date of writing this article and I am from the tobacco world wanting to write, scream, vomit (that or explode!) What about women? !

The media told us that Athletic has not won the cup since 1984 – a round lie! Men have not won! Women have won the league five times between 2002 and 2016. Where have the M8's demands for equality remained for politicians…? Three weeks and a football have been enough to be kept in the hypocritical hole of oblivion.

In A11 in the tingling filled with forophism manolo lololo I saw a few brave banners in the sport Recognition to the women of Noitz? with similar slogans. I left there, what is a natural bilbaínate was clear: if it is not a party of all, this is not my party! "What a head you are! You'll lose the historical moment!" to listen. To Alaporai, in the first hour of the morning, when they turned the city upside down to receive thousands of people, I took the opposite and proud course.

At a time when we find it impossible to exclude women at parties, how is it possible to assume in a normal way that football players will not be celebrating?

To enjoy the celebrations on equal terms we have shed fights and tears; twenty years ago we went to Irun to collect insults, leaps and pushes from the retrograde facades... until we gain our place! In times when we find it impossible to exclude women at parties, how is it possible to assume in a normal way that footballers refuse to be women?

On the contrary, why do these wealthy men with a ball deserve a gap of salads of size? Although I already knew how much it was going to move, I found sadly that no tenth of that crowd is going to move their fingers to denounce the injustices that exist both in the world and near us.

The CAPV Equality Act states that public institutions cannot subsidize sports activities that discriminate against women. Over and above the laws that we may feel strange, we should be concerned about the share of public money that Athletic receives (in addition to differentiated tax regimes), at least those that we consider to be left-wing. The Club Palacio de Bilbao has a budget of approximately EUR 130 million this year; in the "transparency" section of its official website I have not found the exact amount assigned to it by the City Council of Bilbao (official supplier) or the Diputación de Bizkaia (principal partner of "San Mames Barria, S.L. but both grant it. I'll have to continue exploring that supposed transparency -- and see if we combine the red-white flood with the red-white dwelling!