Hysterical materialism
In silence
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2024ko maiatzaren 15a

There have also been elections in Catalonia. The Public Journal entitled “Emotions, pragmatism and xenophobia: keys to the Catalan elections”. The left is also in the pragmatic and manager, and emotions were mentioned in relation to Junts. But the discourse against migrants is also exaggerated, albeit with very different emotions. PP, Vox and Catalan Aliança have talked about migrants. So the right is also in Catalonia.

Migration speaks to the right, and sometimes to the left when barbarism hits the lectern or, at most, responds to people who come in search of a better life, who meet our care needs, and if they talk about the IGR, they argue that many perceptors are workers and pensioners… Nothing in depth, because those who design elections know that we disagree. You “on the left”, I “on the left” would not agree; we have to integrate assistentialism, solidarity with the oppressed, with our oppressed, thank for not organizing and coming with a kalashnikov…

In Catalonia there are 28 seats with PP. But not seeing the irritations caused by injustices of size, not even talking about the issue in the elections, makes it almost nervous. If Euskera begins to say something in danger, our juerga kids, our women…