The sound of the door was heard while they were having dinner. The stars of the sky said the sabbata was ripe,” thus begins this short novel by Gaizka Arostegi, when Gestapo's "dogs" touch Sara's home door and her parents. As the reader would conclude, this is a novel set in the Second World War, located in January
1944 in Iparralde, in the Santizpiritu neighborhood of Baiona. After taking his parents prisoner, he tells Sara's flight. Chocolat is a historical novel of adventures, also dramatic, but also of friendship and compromise. Sara goes south with the help of Maddi and two boys, boys and girls who are in danger. The
179 page novel is divided into 53 chapters, that is, a work composed of short chapters, which confers agility and agility to the work. The reader will move from one situation, event and action to another as he advances on his pages, and in Sara's distress he will try to find out if he saves himself or is captured. All this with careful and vigorous drafting, numerous interviews and brief descriptions. Therefore, we should not be surprised to find ourselves in
the last pages of the book soon after reading. When we talk about these serious events, we often forget that among us there were also Jews persecuted by the Nazis. In the 16th century his descendants fled Navarre to Baiona and had to walk a way back in the time of Nazism. In this sense, it is a proper, lively, entertaining novel about a hard passage in our history, but also that can show us the worst and best of people. The end of the novel
drives the reader’s imagination; it is an open end, ready to cross the Sara Bidasoa River, “the future was on the other side. Waiting for you.” The reader himself must imagine what the future of
Sara will look like… or the writer will be able to tell it in his second novel. That will be the case!
Rosvita. Teatro-lanak
Enara San Juan Manso
UEU / EHU, 2024
Enara San Juanek UEUrekin latinetik euskarara ekarri ditu X. mendeko moja alemana zen Rosvitaren teatro-lanak. Gandersheimeko abadian bizi zen idazlea zen... [+]
Idazketa labana bat da
Annie Ernaux
Itzulpena: Leire Lakasta
Katakrak, 2024
Decisive seconds
Manu López Gaseni
Beste, 2024
You start reading this short novel and you feel trapped, and in that it has to do with the intense and fast pace set by the writer. In the first ten pages we will find out... [+]
When the dragon swallowed the
sun Aksinja Kermauner
Alberdania, 2024
Dozens of books have been written by Slovenian writer Aksinja Kermauner. This is the first published in Basque, translated by Patxi Zubizarreta... [+]
Itxaso Martin Zapirain
Sowing, 2024
The title and cover image (Puntobobo, Wool Bite and Rag Doll) will suggest mental health, making the point and childhood, but more patches will be rolled up as the book... [+]
Itsasoa bete urre
Dani Martirena
Irudiak: Ana Ibañez
Txalaparta, 2022
Liburu honetara barneratzen den irakurleak sentsazio ugari izango ditu. Deigarria da azaleko letren urre kolorea eta zuritasuna, goialdean ageri den... [+]
Issa watanabe
1545 argitaletxea, 2024
Ezagutzen ez nuen 1545 argitaletxeak 2024an itzuli eta kaleratu du Issa Watanaberen Migranteak liburua. Animalia talde batek egiten duen migrazio prozesua kontatzen du; eta... [+]
Translation: Aitor Blanco Leoz
Igela, 2024
During these days, an Israeli soldier is bombarding hospitals, schools, Palestinian refugee camps with drones as if it were a video game, while in the West we see on... [+]
Fun Home. A tragic family
history Alison Bechdel
Txalaparta, 2024
Fun Home. Alison Bechdel is known for the first publication of the graphic novel A Tragic Family Story (2006), although he himself participated in several... [+]
Miren Amuriza Plaza
Susa, 2024
Susa has published Miren Amuriza's second novel in the atrium of the Durango Fair: Plead. It's plebiscites because you're singing about an earlier recording. Berria includes the... [+]
Book Non sense
Edward Lear
Translation: Juan Kruz Igerabide
Denonartean, 2024
The writer and illustrator Edward Lear published this work in 1846. As Igerabide says in the prologue of the book, “nonsense humor, absurd... [+]
Uxue Alberdi
Susa, 2024
In the era of negationism, the manosphere and trolls, the contribution of literature is essential, because it is an exceptional instrument to look at the folds of reality: the situations... [+]
Guardasola wants rain
Patxi Zubizarreta
Illustrations: Irrimarra
Ibaizabal, 2024
30 years ago Patxi Zubizarreta published the book Marigoringoak hegan; J. M. Illustrated by Lavarello and by the hand of the Catalan publisher... [+]
Eyes on the horizon
Writer: Illustrator Miren Agur
Meabe: Ane Pikaza
Elkar, 2020
Miren Agur Meabe has published several texts and books. He's worked with all the literary genres: children's and youth literature,... [+]
Beatrice Salvioni (Translation:
deceit Fernando Rey)
Txalaparta, 2024
Fernando Rey has chosen the title of Barrizto to translate La malnata de Beatrice Salvioni. King says he has tried to be the voice of the... [+]