Jon Alonso 2024ko maiatzaren 08a

Like most Basques, I was for Athletic, no doubt. Like most Basques? Maybe it's not so clear. Beyond what you believe in Gipuzkoa, of course there will be everything, I found in Pamplona some young people who went with Mallorca, without seeking too much. For those who believe that these young people were Navarrists, I make it clear: they are Navarros, Basques and nationalists.

The first evidence is that football does not unite us. It even takes advantage of football so that a certain press can increase our differences and concerns, making huge profits. It is true, however, that we should not judge football on the basis of its influence on national construction, even if it really influences. Football is not political. Football is football. It is no less true that there is a point where football and politics are touched. So, some of us would appreciate it if they didn't act as mere forofos, even though they were campaigning. Let us not say the leading figures of the Abertzale left who have embarrassed us with their forofism.

Football does not unite us. It even takes advantage of football so that a certain press increases our differences and concerns.

As he embarrassed us, all the ETB chains, at the same time, would take the walk of the ditxos barge. Friend, you couldn't escape there. There were only two options: barge or barge. There was no more. Well, yes, ETB wasn't going to go to another chain. Tobacco, in the end, as many of us baptize at the same time.

In all this there is a shadow circulating in a background, a suspicion. And it's nothing like "football is an opium of the people." I even think that a small dose of opium is not bad, because otherwise the daily picture is so unbearable and anxious. This suspicion is that Bilbao has patrimonialized not only the idea of the Basque Country, which would be serious, but partially understandable, but also that of the Basque Country. In other words, there is only one equation left: Bilbao = Euskadi = Basque Country.

Of course, saying “Bilbao” in this context means saying nothing. Who is that of “Bilbao”? Who makes up that “Bilbao”? I don't know. If someone knows and tells me, they will point at me the most passionate enemies of the nation I dream of. If I were
a sociologist, I would try to squeeze the issue out. As I'm not, congratulations to the champions and aupa Athletic.