Over the past decade, France, the United Kingdom and the United States invaded Syria by breaking international law. In 2024, Washington still has a dozen military bases to occupy Syria and steals much of the country’s oil. Israel occupies the territories of Syria and Palestine, bombarding Palestine, Syria or Lebanon on a daily basis. Tel Aviv has a genocide in Gaza. In 2020, the United States murdered Iranian General Qasem Soleimani on the diplomatic mission of Iraq. On 1 April he bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus and caused sixteen deaths. Of course, the world based on NATO rules does not mean that the West cannot break international laws, but that others cannot break them. Thus, the media and authorities of the Free World (sic) appeared altered during the night of 13-14 April, when Iran attacked Israel with drones and missiles measured without breaking international law.
Tehran unabruptly prepared the military operation to achieve the largest propaganda echo. Israel attacks Iran at home and out frequently to provoke it. The dream of Tel Aviv is a war between the United States and Iran. But Iran does not want, the slogan of its strategy is strategic patience, it prefers a long war of low-intensity erosion to weaken Israel’s military capabilities and weaken the protection of its allies.
Iran's counter-attack on Israel in this logic was a milestone in the current geopolitical conflict in Western Asia. The show previously announced by Tehran has its consequences. The aggression generated hours of psychological stress among the Israeli population. This has a long-term effect. Israel continuously needs new settlers to cope with the demographic pressure of the Arabs, in this regard, Tel Aviv attracts the poor population from the western centre and periphery with the promise of a better material life, but if there are great cracks in security, potential settlers can decide to stay in their countries.
Washington, with its army, is only fighting wars against vulnerable countries, it is well aware that Iran is a great dish and could easily be attacked.
The Tehran hit the two military bases that Israel used in the attack on the Iranian embassy without any death and proved that it could bomb Israel. But according to the West, the armed forces of Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Jordan paralyzed 99 percent of the drones and missiles, yes, in exchange for spending a lot of money. However, Iran has known the operation and location of anti-missile technologies in the region of Israel, the USA and its allies, through a broad and massive attack. The Iranians did not use weapons unknown to Israel, but now Tehran knows what the missile defense system of Israel looks like and where the facilities of Jordan and the United States are. It also has much more information on attack and reaction times.
Meanwhile, Israel's response has been very limited because the US has wanted it. Tel Aviv has lost the game and the league has generally declined. Washington knows that if Israel had gone to war with Iran, it should bear the main burden of the struggle. Because the Israeli population is ten times in Iran and quadruples the economy in its purchasing power. Moreover, Tehran has strong allies such as China and Russia, which would at least provide economic support. Washington, with its army, is only fighting wars against weak countries, it is well aware that Iran is a great dish that could easily be attacked.
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