We opened the poems book by Oihana Jaka and found two deals. One father and another son. It is worth noting for its direct relationship with the poems we will find. The book is structured in three parts:
Hamaika urte, Hamaika hilabete eta Hamaika egun. Number eleven is also a way of saying a lot in Basque. They are the time intervals that are introduced within each other, year, month and day, and can give rise to the matrix figure quoted in the book. I think he has managed to fade the three parts: through different meanings given to the same figures, among others. In the first part the poetic self refers to the age at which his
father died. In this section we will find poems that speak of the footprint that left this early loss, for example, in the last two lines of the last poem: My father's death would make me freer,
/ to free me if I was not so young. The poem on page 17 is written in mirror. It uses the same phrases from top to bottom, thus forming a beautiful palindromo. I poetic, who continues to celebrate his father's birthday, lives like a mirage, and I think his father's shape and birthday beautifully gathers his content. I also loved the poem that reflects on how (a) your dead do not know how (20). In the second part, the poetic self talks about the loss of the child who has lost before birth. Where are the unborn children going?
/ Now my womb is
an empty house (27). I poetic also tells us about the pregnancy of a second child before jumping to the third episode: I have two hearts / and I am not a monster. / One marriage within another / alone./ The third part is the longest and the title is limited by the time it takes the eleventh day to return from the hospital home. It talks about the birth that occurred undesired, with the pain, stains and wounds that this caused. Doubts about the birth after the lost child, fear of forgetting this spot, etc. In this section the author has used powerful images: The wave that got me from the ear / that came out of the paw / flooded. - With fish (57). Or the amnesic bladder (62). Sometimes I find it confusing to whom he refers or to whom the voice speaks. I liked the style: from time to time it is correct and raw, it makes good use of images and metaphors, it underlines language and everyday details, it uses ingenious word games... Ione Gorostarzuren reminded me of the book "It is not childbirth", which, although different, I see the need to name some topics. And I have also taken the smell of Karmele Igartua: seeing how the image of the sea acquires various meanings or in that poem
on page 65 (it is not the same...). I also invite you to enter that sea.
Ihes plana
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