Where to look?
Diana Franco 2024ko maiatzaren 02a

Incel, cyberbullying, sexting, catfishing, cyberbating, doxxing, gaslighting, grooming, sextorisio… Lately all the negative behaviors of human beings are being “tag-eated” in the digital sphere, it seems that the manifestations we had in the physical sphere do not serve to explain the digital reality, or that we have to change the terminology because the tool has changed and changed the forms of violence. In addition, the terminology itself is very colonialist, and we often acquire it by conquering the passions of today – I recognise that I often use this terminology.

All these words revolve around possible relationships of violence in digital relations between human beings, so many professionals explain it to us to become aware of this reality. In Euskera we have the expression “it is the one with a name”, perhaps with that idea the digital reality we have, often intangible, and its consequences is more understandable. But I think this path can wake us up, taking our gaze to an unnecessary place. Maybe we're going too far around a problem forever and forgetting or ignoring how to solve it, as we all look at the screen, waiting for a word that defines the next violent behavior.

We know that the problem depends on human nature, so we don't lose sight, accumulating the terminology in our heads and forgetting education in values. Instead of explaining what there is, we create ways to combat violence. Combating violence in all its expressions is based on the values a society has in itself, since from there they will be reflected in the dynamics of the relationship that this society will generate, in technologies and in their use.