The dream (txuntx)far
Katixa Dolhare-Zaldunbide 2024ko maiatzaren 02a

When I write this column, school holidays are about to start. There are only classmates and students. Are you going to go somewhere? Yes, you can't cut it. If you stay at home, you will see the call for work: copies to be corrected, courses to be prepared, articles to be rounded up, preparation of the assemblies of associations that you follow… Some will take the computer to the place of vacation to advance the work, not to waste time, thinking that the reincorporation would be too hard. Moreover, for a few years now, students and students consider it normal to maintain a fluid relationship with teachers, without interruptions being accepted. And if you get fired from work, once you get to the place of vacation, what will you do? If you stay just walking, organizing visits, going out with the family…, you will take the book or text that despised you to read or write several fite-fite lines. In the end you will become equally tired, having managed a thousand things.

The truth is, you don't stay right away. But do you want to stop? Luckily, no. Why? Perhaps because you are still unconsciously aware that your old voice, doing nothing or dedicating yourself to empty pleasure is a disillusion. My grandfather said, “Lan heals, pause.” That is, to rest is not to be without work, but to change the rhythm of work. You may not know about work because the instinct to grow for centuries links death to fear, the thirst for inaction of your interior. According to the poem Insomnia of the Russian poet Marina Tsvetaieva, echoing the Jansenista philosopher Blaise Pascal: “Do not sleep! Do it hard! That is true! / If not, it is an eternal dream! / If not, it’s an eternal dream!” Maybe you're working because this crazy society puts enormous pressure on you, because you can't lose the thread, even temporarily, you can't stay without doing anything. Sleeping.

If the area has time, have you not slept what you want? If you don't compete with the alarm clock, in the mornings, let's see if the zoine will start the first day?

If the area has time, have you not slept what you want? If you don't compete with the alarm clock, in the mornings, let's see if the zoine will start the first day? So much to do, so urgent are personal and collective duties. And it has Axular read, it knows you can't leave it for the future.

The dream: it's still a taboo subject. It is the subject that, interestingly, is addressed by the French weekly Le un hebdo of 10 April. In this issue I have learned that today 45% of those between 25 and 45 years of age claim not enough sleep and that sleep problems have increased enormously throughout society, at all ages, in all social classes. Sociologist C. Rauch has shown that women suffer mostly from poor sleep and in one day they commit four “working days”: professional activity, domestic work, emotional work and night work, instead of sleep. For his part, P. Zawieja analyzes to what extent it is profitable the time we would have to spend sleeping to the great capitalism. It proposes a psychosociological history that clarifies exhaustion, explaining the new types of current situations, such as “information unit”, overload or inability to rest.

The pleasure of sleep has come to us, a special moment in which we each dream of our intimacy, which can be as terrible as it is pleasurable. Fortunately, we can have moments of great glory, where we will rest peacefully, such as riding the children's ttip, accompanied by a sweet song, until we sleep with it. At the end.