Word pyrotechnics
Koldo Aldalur Hirigoien 2024ko apirilaren 24a

In my opinion, I have started to use phrases that were once full of naphthalene. Am I aging? “If we are healthy, at least, we are able to be comfortable!” or “we do not eat in our time, but laughter…” And that's filled with sadness.

Anyway, among them is one that I really like: “Giving importance to small children is the secret to living happy.”

Half a year ago, I quit the job. In recent years I have had to listen to a scientific dialogue and a talk show. Even boredom.

I've spent a lot of work evenings surrounded by weeds, and a good friend's phrase comes to mind when I remember those times: "To be a refrain you don't need to go to college."

Weed is a hardworking genre. It doesn’t matter if you ask him about Ukraine or Palestine, when to plant the tomato or if the player Kubo is more suitable to play on the left or on the right, whether the hair that causes him great damage when dyeing or the confrontation between China and Taiwan leads us to the Third World War. The lid is ready for all the pots. To ask them, for example, about the political situation, and those who have heard a few hours earlier in another media are going to gracefully throw those who use in their garden as brilliant ideas worked in the spring.

Weed is a hardworking genre. It doesn't matter if you ask him about Ukraine or Palestine, or when to plant the tomato. Lid ready for all pots

Verbal prostitution and intellectual onanism probably. Three slippery words heard somewhere remove the powders, add the dose of inflammation and ideas become true to satisfy what you want to be fooled.

Empty words, hidden words that would not pass through the sieve of dignity. Word pyrotechnics: in a few seconds they produce great color and noise. And then just gunpowder smells.

But this present situation has its advantage. If not everything can be black! I have also noticed that in their day, at work, those small chats – the micro-relationships – that were of no importance, satisfy my interior. Hence the importance of small things.

They are the most appropriate relationships for working empathy. Even though you know that what it says in front of you is not going to change the world, when you realize that it's necessary to organize your world, you're trying to realize it and your situation. And so it takes the warmth of empathy and therefore helps you to be yourself. We create to develop into a permanent relationship.

The problem is that hearing what we have in front of us is not that easy. That's why we often do what dentists do to us. Continue with the infinite monologue, thinking that we depend on the former because it cannot give us an answer. The truth is that with the mouth filled with tubes it is not easy. We are therefore always right.