Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Resurrection of Gernika

A year after another, 87 years have passed since that terrible Monday, April 26, market day in Gernika, day of death. Days and years after fire and lead. Cement and silence on many deaths. Failure and suffering. Forbidden personality, oppressed, denied.

When can Gernika flourish again? I remember that when 50 years of barbarism we tried to flourish. “Gernika 37-87”. In Picasso's painting, in the shade zone, we chose the pigeon of broken wing that appears in dark gray. Mediocre pigeon of peace. We gave him a new life, in the color of the rainbow, symbol of resurrection, eternal phoenix. Gernika-Basque Country raised from the dust of war. Recover the truth and bring the best historians from all over the world to Gernika (Southword, Vilar, Viñas, Tuñon de Lara, Irujo…). International Congress for Peace and Self-Determination. The brightest artists and singers of the moment. Basque youth in the flood. We placed Gernika looking to the future free Basque Country.

But then they also formed a coalition to tackle that path. The nationalist mayor of Gernika, Zuzaeta, and the coalition government Ardantza Jauregi (PNV-PSOE), made every effort to disrupt the flowering of Gernika, which in those days pointed out sent half of Gernika to beat thousands of “black” young people from the Ertzaintza.

Since then many years have passed and many sessions have been held, they have been called Lizarra-Garazi, they have been called Loiola or Aiete, Luhuso or Baiona, and the Basques continue to claim the free Basque Country in one way or another. The strength of the last Korrika, throughout the Basque territory and especially at the end of Bayona, is a sign of this deep desire. The desire for Basque identity has also appeared in major sporting events, as after the victory of Athletic in Bilbao. As noted in the election results of the three Western countries. And that on 12 May it will reappear in Senpere Herri Urrats.

What are coalitions and alliances for? Are they moving towards the independence of the Basque Country and the Basque Republic?

At this point, we have to ask a serious question: what do the political parties and institutions of the Basque Country work on? Do they contribute to the realization of this profound desire of the Basque people, to openness, to the beginning, to the road leading to the free Basque Country? What are coalitions and alliances now and here? Are they moving towards the independence of the Basque Country and the Basque Republic?

The main task is Basque internationalization, taking into account the whole of Euskal Herria, and it is not an abstract objective, because we have very specific functions.

What partnerships, what coalition and what alliances? To do this, we will obtain new Euskera laws updated in all parliaments and institutions, and make Euskera the main language of these institutions. Signing of political agreements between the governments of Navarra and the Basque Country and collaboration with the Basque School of Urban Helmets. Organise the judiciary in all territories. Set up an audiovisual council for the entire Basque country. To prioritize cooperation between nationalist parties throughout Euskal Herria in all national agreements and alliances. Following the Lizarra-Garazi agreements, open up ways of self-determination, share a concrete roadmap for the Basque Republic.

Euskal Herria is our only free territory possible. There we will resurrect all our Gernika.

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