Family quarry charges PNV
Ahoztar Zelaieta @Ahoztar1972 2024ko apirilaren 24a

In the last decade, the PNV has entrusted the management of the departments of the Basque Government to public positions from three quarries. It highlights a team that worked in consulting companies such as PwC and Andersen. Another important group is career officials. Leaders, municipal or foreign public expositions, candidates for electoral lists and their families are part of a third group.

The members of the internal structure of the party have long been in the administration. Arzalluz, son of the historic president of the PNV, was appointed president of the regulatory council of the Txakoli of Bizkaia, Asier Arzalluz, and his wife, Isabel Octavio, current director of Communication of EITB, was director of the Cabinet of the Department of Health.

A daughter of the PNV organisational secretary, Joseba Aurrekoetxea, has been elected to a post in the Port of Bilbao. Former Commissioner Asier Atutxa, son of a former Interior Minister of the Government, was president of the Port of Bilbao. The President of Euzkadi Buru Batzar, Andoni Ortuzar, is the uncle of a former head of the Cabinet of the Deputy General of Bizkaia, Igor Camaño. Joseba Egibar, president of GBB, has held two nephews as senior government officials: Eneko Goenaga and Imanol Goenaga. José Antonio Suso, president of ABB, is married to the Director of Self-government, Begoña Pérez de Eulate.

The PNV has delegated the management of the Basque Government departments to public positions from three quarries. (...) Relatives of members of the party's internal structure have long been working in the administration

The family members of government officials have also been in the administration for some time. The daughter of former President Ardanza, Nagore Ardanza, is the coordinator of Bilbao PortLab, whose uncle was appointed on his senior day as the Government. The husband of Bakartxo Teche, President of Parliament, Joanes Labayen, was hired as an adviser to the Government. For his part, the Health Advisor of the Basque Government, Gotzone Sagardui, Iñigo Apellaniz, is Head of the Metro Prevention Service Bilbao and a sister-in-law, Alfonso Apellaniz, Head of the Ertzaintza Prevention Service. Victoria Landa, director of the Ertzaintza, is married to Patxi Leal, head of the Mobile Brigade.

Counselor husband Arantxa Tapia (Julián Flórez) and advisor wife Jokin Bildarratz (Ane Garate) work for administration. Urien's sisters are high officials of the government. Partner Nerea Urien is the Vice Health Advisor and her sister, Izaskun, is the Human Resources Director of the Security Department. Uriarte brothers are also high officials. Jon Uriarte, former director of the Ertzaintza, is today director of the Justice Administration and his brother, Aitor, director of Play and Shows in the department of Security.