University Network for Palestine
Arantza Gutierrez Paz @arantzatxu 2024ko apirilaren 17a

In the wake of the creation by the UPV/EHU of a cybersecurity chair that enables avenues for future cooperation with the university of Tel Aviv, the workers of the UPV/EHU have been questioned from different places, and I have to say that I have been greatly ashamed, even if it has nothing to do with that decision. And that shame has added to what I already felt before silence. As of 7 October, Israel has permanently attacked Palestinian universities and study centres, even though international law has declared them as protected civilian spaces, and hundreds of teachers, scientists and academics killed, and thousands of pupils killed.

In view of this, I find it very difficult to understand the modest response from academia, from the education community in general, which has once again revealed the differences between war and victims. We have entered into a network of students and workers from different universities in the Spanish State in the unitary claim for Palestine, and we clearly tell our rulers that we do not want to be complicit in genocide, even by omission, and we call on them to interrupt relations with the institutions and companies that support the State of Israel.