Non-existent population
Mati Iturralde 2024ko apirilaren 17a

“We are born in a people that is not, and we, of course, understand that we are not,” Joseba Sarrionandia.

I often wonder what happened when German society knew the consequences of Nazism, that is, how such a cultured and tolerant community suddenly accepted to kill many people on their behalf.

Juan Irigoyen recalls in his blog what Gunter Andersen wrote in 1956: “To put off any riot beforehand, above all you must not act violently. Archaic methods, like those used by Hitler, are completely obsolete. Today we only have to create a strong collective conditioning so that the very idea of rebellion does not pass through the minds of people.” And that's what we're seeing in today's reality: we're not able to organize a little rebellion in the face of genocide, because people's responsiveness is totally overturned.

What will you think of Gaza or Congo, in a hundred years’ time, about what the Basque Country (non-existent people) did in the face of genocide? Will you remember the mobilisations we made? The children of Gaza today, if they are alive in twenty years' time, will they know that they defended and loved the peoples on both sides of the Pyrenees, while they faced hunger?

I'm pessimistic. I believe that in a few years’ time nobody will know what we Basques did to deal with other massacres in Gaza or the world. Because, in short, in the international concert we have no voice of our own: as Sarrionandia says, we are not.

What will you think of Gaza or Congo at the age of 100 about what the Basque Country (non-existent people) did in the face of genocide?

However, our representatives want to have a place in the Spanish institutions. The Madrid Congress, which has become a calapitous circus, allows Basque politicians to somewhat temper the environment, although occasionally, while others are insulted. It's not a very effective place to change reality, but at least those here show good education.

It is also true that the spokesmen of the non-existent people have to listen to serious things there. For example, the Minister of Defence has announced the war against Russia, which will increase military spending to EUR 24 billion (more than 2% of GDP required by NATO); or, for example, the “request for immediate humanitarian suspension” signed by Spain for Palestine along with other states of the European Union. Ursula von der Leyen and Pedro Sánchez clarify with a smile that “the pause is not a truce” and, more seriously, they will continue to sell arms to Israel without any modesty.

But let's dream for a minute. Let us imagine that our political representatives are able to overcome the aforementioned “collective conditioning” and join the government of Sánchez, who will increase their commitment to maintain the parliamentary support granted to him in Madrid and will demand the breakdown of political and economic relations with Israel. Perhaps the non-existent people do not have the strength to fight the gigantic and cruel state of Israel... but the attempt would be colossal, right?