Hysterical materialism
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2024ko apirilaren 10a

The upcoming elections are special, like all the elections, the day they tell us that one is not special, when they tell us “everything that is going to happen this year has passed before.” They say we decided a lot. Is it a little scary, no? What? What will happen the next day? Where do I have to look to realize?

Everybody takes the same walk in the back, the hug, the tight hands, the applause raised to make the sound look, and then a moment where we should be given the auzolots: speakers and audience, in front of each other, crushed, in full publicity for the museum of happiness. No one goes up with the bad disease he should have. Nobody seems to come to decide anything about life or death.

They all say they're the centering party. Not the centre (but also with its own trends), focused. The triumph of EH Bildu is, for the moment, that of the centered ones. The others already existed, but now, all in the same Korrika, all honestly, it is difficult to distinguish. All public services, all Osakidetza, all vigilance, all in particular, short-term words, although many futures are repeated. Neither right nor left, digitized Keynes. Wisely, the usual rebellion, we are being given measures, in a very similar euro!

Everyone is happy, focused, pragmatic, current, close, unknown. Ready not to scare anyone. Fears give many clues. And maybe some of you have appeared. Others will appear. And we'll see the differences.