The creek does not plan
Iker Barandiaran @IkerBarandiara 2024ko apirilaren 12a
Errekak nola / Bananas / Usopop, 2023
Errekak nola / Bananas / Usopop, 2023

In the past, we already knew by heart all Joker’s phrases from The Dark Knight, as “chaos agent.” I had him, for example, to explain his behavior: "Do I think of a guy with a plan? Do you know what I am? A dog running behind cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I hit him. I'm out of mind. The mafia has plans. The police have plans. Gordon has plans. They plot it. They use machinery to control their small worlds. I don't machine. I try to teach those who teach how pathetic it is to try to control things.” I am not against plans, if plans are good. However, most planners are not fine, with their compasses to follow the path that follows, the more they have been lost in search of success. The same is true in life, in music, in politics, that we are going to leave this last paragraph for another, just in case. The example is that of the Bananas group. It went very far against what was planned, for the benefit of the Basque scream, which I have also heard about the Euskreamo. Friends stayed to record five

Touche Amore songs and publish a EP: Azala bat urdiña (Self-production, 2018). The idea was not to give a single straight, but the hobby not only proliferated the mushrooms, but, in addition to the concert, they were offered a new album, in 2021, the Brain and the throat.

Thus, a little against his plans and against his will, the Donostia quintet
has assembled seven new pieces. Five boys who had already worked in groups such as Madeleine, Adrenalized, Yaw and Hyedra – if they could improve the group’s name – have brought their work to a new area, navigating the strange zone between pop and post-hardcore. Maybe it's not that rare: scraped gorges, stabs and auhenes with wild melodies. Hardcore is a music to sing and love in groups, and even though some purist finds it too poppy, Errekak Nola has offered appropriate music to cheer and saver. A small note: Although

hardcore has everything, when it comes to making the pogo, he looks at who is next to him. The scene is full of bananas and there is
no public. Care for the dances to
be participatory spaces. It's a short, emotional album. It comes because they didn't expect it. It is sincere and close because there is no plan. Even if you forget your sentences, I still go with Joker. And with the Txema group, "Batman zer? Batman on fire!”