Eneko Gorri Gantier 2024ko apirilaren 10a

I have written these lines on the train that brings me to the case of the peacekeepers in Paris. I began to think about issues such as civil disobedience and the opportunities that open direct action, the treatment of the Basque conflict in the ‘French’ media… A, and we have also had Korrika… The Basque Country, the sociopolitical consensus, the judicial persecution, the demolinguistic reality… “It has been a lot of writing about this”, I thought about it inside. Upon arriving at the Bordeaux station I was still inspired.

Pirka-pirka brings to mind the conversation held with an old friend of my parents when Korrika arrives. Amid the concert of the Xutik group, a group of young people from the Azterketa Euskaraz collective cried with pride, firmness and loud voice a two-minute speech. And what a pleasure to see a “Gora Euskal Herria askatuta!”, a town that responds so beautiful “Gora!”. In general, I want the people who speak in a speechless mouth. I am pleased to hear people who dare to name reality without tricks. I like it, in times of blurring political language, because it's important to take the liver and go back to basics.

We know how awkward reality is. But to keep fighting everyone needs their fuel. It is not my optimism to look at it and blind, but to be convinced that we are gaining step by step

And those young people who came up on the table from courage, the future and determination. It seemed to me that they offered us a warm communion, but because the level of experience and reflection is much higher than me and I told that friend of the family my pleasure, I realized that we did not have the same perception. “Your speech is as prefabricated as the ikastola of my times! It's easy to be revolutionary in 18 years, but then what? As all of them will end up as bank officials or employees of the French administration. The fundamental problems are not mentioned here. Who says that at the heart of all our problems is a demographic problem? We are a people with no future and that every two years organizes a giant party before the burial…”.

Emptying the beer jar in our glasses, I am wrong to warn that “a gift was pessimistic.” He answered me with a “Pessimist, not realistic!” Beyond closed formulas, I know that you are quite right. Those of us who dream of a more supportive world, of a freer Basque Country, of a more egalitarian relationship, of a more sustainable planet, of a more balanced society -- we know what a clumsy reality is. Power relations are totally unbalanced against such fast systems. But to keep fighting everyone needs their fuel. It is not my optimism to look at it and to be convinced that we are gaining step by step. Let each one detect his own thing, we already have work!