Viriditas is green
Ainhoa Aldazabal Gallastegui 2024ko uztailaren 10a
Viriditas / Aina S. Erice (idazlea) eta Amanda Mijangos (ilustratzailea) / A fin de cuentos, 2022
Viriditas / Aina S. Erice (idazlea) eta Amanda Mijangos (ilustratzailea) / A fin de cuentos, 2022

Under the title of Viriditas we can read the subtitle of The Women Who Made Us See the Wonderful World of Plants. This is a great book with a hard lid, in which the illustrations of the plants and a woman take the center of the lilac cover. You can see the approximate content of libro.En

as to its structure, the book is divided into six chapters. Each chapter deals with topics related in different ways to the plant world. After a brief introduction to each of the themes, the reader will be told the biographies of three or four expert women. In addition, enter information about some plants. All this accompanied by beautiful and harmonious pastel illustrations evoking the taste of these botanical images.

The first line of entry reads as follows: Everybody likes plants. No, I'm not exaggerating. Do you know someone who doesn't eat chips, chocolate ice cream, or popcorn? It reminds us of the plant origin of many things we eat and do; if someone has opened the book to despise plants, making an invitation to put aside prejudices. The entrance also reminds us of the close relationship between women and plants. Emphasizing the importance of those who have cared for, learned, drawn, planted and cooked plants and plants.

In the first chapter, Aina S. tells us about the women who knew how to heal with plants. Eric. In this case it refers to Heildergarda Bingengoa, known as Santa. Although it is a figure that was intended to relate only to religion, he wrote poetry and composed music. He was, among other things, a thinker and a doctor. The second chapter is dedicated to the women who have illustrated plants and the third to those who have explored the world in search of plants. Botany, planting and food and soil seeds are the contents of the following chapters. Jauregi Martija, is listed in the book Itzulerak by Miren Agur Meabe. Like many others.

The book is a curiosity and a treasure. An effort to recover the genealogy and knowledge that have been pedagogically stolen from us by women. There are also things to be recovered in the Basque Country. Interesting for children, young people and adults.