‘La xarxa ultra’
David Bou 2024ko martxoaren 28a

Four months after my last collaboration with ARGIA, through this text I have taken up my opinion papers, but I will explain to you why I have left the pages of this endearing magazine this season.

The documentary La xarxa ultra (red Ultra), an audiovisual project for the Sense Ficció programme of TV3 (Catalan public television), was released on 20 February. We had the task of representing a phenomenon as worrisome as unknown to the majority of society: how the far-right is introduced into the lives of young people through social networks.

According to the macro-survey conducted by the Centre de Estudis de Opinó (CEO) of Catalonia, 9% of the young people of generation Z (approximately 15 to 25 years) are between 8-10 of the ideological scale, i.e. at the right end. The majority are men, and although the number seems anecdotal, the percentage is almost twice that of the previous generation.

This fact marks a new trend and indicates that a significant percentage of young people are for ultra-fast options. This trend has already influenced the politico-institutional framework of organizations in many parts of the world, and it seems that it has not reached its peak. Is it fashionable to have a facade? Why do some young people see the far-right as an anti-system?

The answers are multiple, but in the Spanish State the impulse and prestige that certain creative content and fake news platforms have had is highlighted. Moreover, all researches confirm that social networks are the most used information channels for new generations and not conventional media.

The so-called black facades feed on polemics emerging on portals such as the State of Alarm of Javier Negro to extend hate speeches with total impunity

The so-called facades, such as Infovlogger or Libertad and what Surja, feed on the controversies that arise on portals such as the State of Alarm of Javier Negre, to intoxicate the political debate and spread hate speeches with impunity. Platforms play a very important role, as instead of punishing misogynist, homophobic or racist opinions, algorithms promote conflicting content and, therefore, manage to keep users on the web and monetize publications.

At the top of this complex network we find aspects such as the Vox and PP. By hiring institutional advertising and endowing them with their own budget lines, they finance these new Internet celebrities to divert attention and move the media agenda in their favour.

There was a condition for making the documentary: for the protagonists to speak. So we interviewed many far-right teenagers and the three founders mentioned above. Was it a great challenge, how to give voice without promoting or justifying their speeches? I'm not going to spoiler you, but so far the audience and criticism have praised the effort.

Our main conclusion is that, given that you have had many spectators, we have managed to highlight one of the strategies that you are using to win the game. It was no longer feasible to ignore the phenomenon in order to prevent its growth. I invite you to see the documentary, to draw your own conclusions and to act accordingly, so that the seed of hatred does not flourish among our young people. We are still on time.