Ibrahim Bilmez
"Turkey has developed a system against Öcalan in Imrali prison and used it against other political prisoners"
  • Ibrahim Bilmez is a lawyer and his client is Abdullah Öcalan, a Kurdish leader. He denounced his isolation in Euskal Herria in February, explaining Turkey’s mechanisms of repression and impunity.
Aitor Aspuru Saez 2024ko martxoaren 20a
Argazkiak: Aitor Aspuru

To explain the arrest of Abdullah Öcalan, the Kurdish liberation movement notes that there was a “plot” against him, what does that mean? Abdullah Öcalan had to leave Syria and moved to Europe with the intention of finding
a peaceful solution to the curved issue, but unfortunately at that time all the western countries closed their doors and especially the United States and Israel had a very negative impact. For example, they closed his airspace so as not to land his plane. Therefore, he had to go from one country to another, because everyone denied the possibility of staying: Greece, Russia, Italy…

It was absurd. There are thousands of Kurds who protect the CCP. They have got asylum, but their boss has not. He made the request for asylum in Greece, Russia and Italy and all three denied it. All the doors were closed and eventually he had to go to Kenya. He had the guarantee from Greece and spent his time in his embassy. However, the operation carried out by the US and Israel was kidnapped and handed over to Turkey.

All these countries were involved, so we say it was a plot.

After the kidnapping there was a trial and you have denounced that it was not fair. He was tried by a military court and, as it were, there was enormous
against Öcalan in public opinion. He and his lawyers were not entitled to the prosecution and the lawyers received all kinds of attacks. Moreover, their witnesses were not accepted.

Öcalan was unable to meet lawyers and many legal guarantees were not met. He had a clear disadvantage in preparing his defence, so it was not a fair trial. Moreover, the European Court of Human Rights pointed out that it did not have a fair trial and that it should be tried again, but instead, Turkey opened the file and closed it immediately. They didn't fulfill the order. Unfortunately, the European Council has approved these illegal movements by Turkey.

Abdullah Öcalan has been in Imrali's island jail for 25 years, and you have explained that this is not a prison, but a system in itself. It's an isolation and illegal system. They have created
a system for one person and, after developing it against Öcalan, they have used it for others. For example, in most countries, it is forbidden to hear from States what lawyers and prisoners speak, but they amended the law to make it possible and use it against political prisoners. Before it was a measure against Öcalan, on the contrary, starting in 2017, after the false coup, they use it against anyone. Osman Kavala and Selatim Demirtas are
two examples.

"The European Court of Human Rights stated that Öcalan had not had a fair trial"

Another measure in force is to ban lawyers from working with Öcalan. Many have denied this possibility. For twelve years Öcalan allowed him a weekly visit of one hour, although he systematically breached this right by alleging weather problems, for example. In short. Imrali is a repressive laboratory.

How many people control the daily life of Öcalan in Imrali? There are
no civilians in this area, it is a
closed prison and it is surrounded by military posts. I don't know exactly, but surely over 600 military personnel.

What are the living conditions for Öcalan? We have known nothing for three years. It is not known whether you are
ill or lung. Three years ago we knew it was related to three other prisoners, one hour a day, except on weekends, but since then we know nothing. Lawyers know nothing about our client or his health.

From 1999 to 2005 he was the only prisoner in Imrali. Then they took another six and today there are three others, but they are also isolated and nobody knows anything.

The Committee
on Prevention of Torture denounced that the Imrali system was indeed torture, but has Turkey used direct violence against Öcalan to achieve its political objectives? They have physically tried to torture him several times, but as he is well known and the strong response of the Kurdish people stopped him from doing. There were attempts to prove what the Kurds' response was, but it was very intense and rejected.

In any case, this situation of isolation is actually torture. As you read, you open the door every five minutes. The lights are always on. The Court of Human Rights pointed out in 2012 that this system is torture. The right to hope exists and that does not exist in the case of Öcalan. He was condemned to life. He was put in a cell and never promised to leave.

Three years ago the family had the opportunity to meet with her, but a long hunger strike was needed from Leyla Guven and many political prisoners. What conditions would be necessary to meet your customer today? In the 2019 hunger strike hundreds of people were about to die. As
a result, we met with Öcalan and called for the hunger strike to cease. After fasting he returned to isolation.

"We have known nothing for three years. We don't know if
Öcalan is virilized or ill."

Since 2011 he has only met five times with lawyers in Öcala and the last in the context of the hunger strike in 2019. The case of the family is similar. Since 2014 he has seen his family five times and the last was in 2020. For fifteen years only two phone calls have been authorised and the last one was in March 2021, which was cut immediately. Since then we know nothing.

Unfortunately, after four years, things have once again begun a hunger strike and we have begun an international campaign, not only in prisons but also abroad. We do not know whether it will be enough to meet him again. If Turkey does not feel pressured, it will do nothing.

For you, Öcalan’s situation is a process. It can be modified because it is not an account associated exclusively with Öcalan. For example, when there were negotiations between AKP and CCP, the measures against Öcalan were relaxed. What influence has it had on you, on lawyers? You were arrested and imprisoned. We have
been punished and arrested once. I spent two and a half years in prison. They hear everything we say on the phone and we don't take a single step without them. It's great pressure, but we knew it and we've gotten used to it. It is an honor for us to have your lawyers.

In the last elections the progressive Kurdish political forces supported the opposition of Erdogan and the opposition, in its final straight, hardened the discourse against the Kurds, almost more than Erdogan. That is why, in view of the municipal elections, the Kurdish political parties are considering negotiating with the same PCR. Do you give them short-term hope to see in Öcala? I am confident that with maximum pressure we can break isolation in the short term. To do so, among others, these meetings held in the Basque Country help to
pressure internationally.