Mo and mo
Nora Salbotx Alegria 2024ko martxoaren 13a

Gray men are wrecking. They have been given more control in the name of the great homeland of freedom, which is also equality, Jacobinism and brotherhood. They have been seen to speak of order and security and, while being told to spy on borders, are promised to disguise schoolchildren as uniform. They have been seen as children, adolescents and young people as their own, teachers, schools and all their own colors and tastes. Because it seems that schools dreamed as institutions of homogeneity and bourgeois patriarchal discipline. Maybe.

Gray men are bonded everywhere. You've seen how Youtuber, Google, Microsoft, etc. They're praised and they declaim that all these issues are an excellent teacher. We have seen grey men of case and grey mushroom scarf, who achieve hyper-developed and supermodern digitalisation plans of their educational systems, without the need for master fite. They have been seen to despise even the most natural thing in intelligences, because artificial is the future. Ventilate video channels better than the best teacher and swap through a well in a pellet and side fish in return. They have also been giving grey dystopian machine speeches in which not a single blue hair of their gray hairs was raised. The smell of the sand teacher who looked at them in their eyes may be due to their voice, their incursions. Or because the new Swing captains are not immediately expected in these places. Maybe.

They say that the best thing for things not to change is for descendants not to learn the revealed language either. Not to guarantee “privileges” in all neighborhoods and villages

Gray men are around everywhere. According to the greys of time, they say that Euskera is a privilege. And they say they're thrilled to be in the trench against those who want to build a nation through education, because their thing is not to use education, not the nation, not construction. They say they were marginalized because they don't know the hardest language and they were satisfied with a couple of counselors for the next four years. And they say that the best thing is to make the demand for Euskera more flexible, if not that the demand is packed in plain paper. So things don't change, it's best that descendants don't learn revealed language either. That “privileges” not be guaranteed in all neighborhoods and villages, in all schools and for all students, that is only what would be lacking and that they live, many years and others, in the educational spaces, the linguistic model. Lies, desires and truths on the rocks, glu glu glu glu glu glu glu, until the jar is perfectly empty. If you don't get the Sikiera cocktail in Basque, maybe ...

Gray men move very loosely. They want to paint gray education, if possible in dark. In Michael Ende's Momo book, gray men needed children to be fired from the human material of the future, separated, dressed in uniform, removed from the game and stacked in deposits. In the gray dreams of gray men, propulsive machines and electronic brains were the desired destination and, under their pretension, the broken time and the crashing laughter had to be replaced by an over-grudge. Today I doubt that half a century later we are shilled in mo-mo, soso, gray nightmare. Maybe.

Riiiiiiiiiiiin. “Eskolaraaaa! The night is over, you loved you... or not? Turn the light on.” Click!