2024ko martxoaren 11

If it were not so hypocritical, tragic, humiliating and cynical, it would be comical for a President of Europe to give a video to presume that he had launched six pallets of “humanitarian aid” with parachutes, the last adorned with a French flag. It is the president of the same country who cuts all its funding to the only UN organisation that supports Palestinian refugees. Putting food in the air, as well as being ineffective, shows that the West has accepted that Israel should use hunger as a weapon of war. Only EE.UU. It gives Israel $4 billion a year to continue doing what it does, and it is in the process of approving a special aid of $16 billion these days. They give bread to the Palestinians, as to the animals in the cage, so that they can keep turning the hamster wheel while the genocidal one rests and laughs. Even more so. On March 8, five Palestinians “have died” after falling over one of the US “humanitarian aid”. The collateral damage to the imperialist tragicomedy.

Photo: Two of the 335,000 malnourished children in Gaza, in a health center in Rafah. M. Salem / Reuters
Text: Axier Lopez