A golden rule
Beñat Muguruza Aseginolaza @Benatmug 2024ko martxoaren 06a

When we talk about Hika or Hitano, or rather the ‘correct’ use of Hitano, because from time to time there is a little debate – whether on social networks or in what we still call real life – if we do not want to write some lines here too. What's the key? For what would be a “syntactic golden rule” of the Hitan, according to Xabier Alberdi, former professor and researcher of the UPV.

Some of the latest contributions from the writer and translator Tolosarra Xabier Olarra, who during these months has published in the blog 31 interesting texts: Hitano in the questions? And Hitano on the surprise ones? As the writer asked them, what do we do with the Hitan correction? In subordinate sentences, one should not use the allocutive, say “form of rope”, in the questions, in the conditions or in the mistakes, or in the exclamations doubts. For example, it has to be said “yes, he told me that he will come,” and not “yes, he told me that he would come,” and the same with local variations in those ways. Or, at least, that rule has left us tradition.

What do we do with hitman's correction? That in subordinated sentences the “form of rope” should not be used, neither in the questions, nor in the conditions nor in the inclination

Xabier Alberdi wrote in a very intense work published 30 years ago, so among young people under 45 (sic) did not fail to respect the golden rule. And since most schools are not only taught, and if not, to correct at all times those who use a linguistic treatment that is quite common, because they do not use it according to tradition, it is not especially an aesthetic attitude today, so it cannot be improved.

And the question of always, what to do with the traditions of holding or breaking. In any case, if we have the strength to maintain tradition in this case. To maintain informal treatment that is in such a precarious situation, it is not enough to work, and now we have to tell the “youth” that this is not the case, and the other I don’t know what, and how does older people in the audience, that they will not hear something similar from their mouth? Even if we had the necessary resonance box, would it be appropriate to use it in this way?

In any case, look at what strange situations this topic brings us. If we strictly follow the golden rule, the reader, once we have arrived here, how is this text written?