Against courses
Edu Zelaieta Anta 2024ko martxoaren 06a

It gives a plague. There are courses and courses, from left to right, increasingly, to prevent the psychosocial risks of work (if possible) and to manage them more personally. Training is sometimes provided by the very entity in which the worker operates. Both on public and private roads.

M. is a public employee and is not actually against these courses. You can always learn something. In addition, depending on the case, the course is carried out through an hour of work or, even outside the working day, the possibility is offered for free. Not bad.

The stress and anxiety that work causes (can) appear everywhere and are kept curiously at the same time. This is becoming increasingly clear from M. And also that these courses divert (if possible) the debate on the public issue: and simply, instead of the supposed prevention instruments, if the working conditions were healthier?

Better off thinking that M. is starting to stand against these courses. Because the courses they supposedly want to help involve two messages: that the person has to adapt to the job, and not the other way around, and that the psychosocial burden, the possible loss of health, must be assumed by the worker.