It's not this, friends.
Karmelo Landa 2024ko otsailaren 28a

It is not this, friends, the house of the Basques, which promised us a long time ago. We live every day in stress in our homes, streets, bars and surroundings. Not being able to live in Basque in the Basque peoples. “In Spanish!”, or “En français s`il vous plaît!”. They don't want to understand when you ask for a coffee, or even pointing a finger can understand it. For twenty years, the doctor of the consultation does not know Euskera and does not intend to study. What for?

That is not the case, ladies and gentlemen. Those who have been working for a long time in various parliaments and governments sent us: “The Basque language, like Spanish, will be the official language of the Basque Country, and all its inhabitants have the right to know and use both languages”. This is your law, and now I will not go into the perverse use that you make of “Euskal Herria” and “Euskadi” among those basic concepts of identity, but what you say about our language and Spanish is today a dark trap and a generous lie. Deception, because, as much as they say, they have concealed the main one: that the knowledge of Spanish or Spanish has been forced through laws, mandates, judges and heavy punishments throughout Hego Euskal Herria (also French in Iparralde). And lie, because in the restricted version that you want to call “the Basque Country” we also have no right or possibility of the Basques using the Basque country. In this area that you govern, the Basque and the Basque people live very slowly.

How are we going to solve all this? There are among us what we could call “erdaldun tactic”. They propose that we use Spanish temporarily to convince the monolinguals that they gradually become bilingual, and then, in the second leap, we all switch from Spanish to Basque and it is.

It will not take more than half a century, and here the only “bilingual” are ourselves, and they put us every day in trance to become Castilian speaking monolinguals.

But it won’t take more than half a century, and here the only “bilingual” are us, and they put us every day in the trance of becoming Castilan-speaking monolingual. A failure.

But when this has become evident, they have renewed the discourse, hired precarious sociologists who, with rings and spamps from the academic and scientific field, tell us that now we do not have to put ourselves in “identity essentialism”, which in the end the Basque is not so important, “multicultural” (?) that conversion has its charm and that there are other problems above the Basque Country, such as the “democratic welfare state”, which they see in grave danger. The latter reminds us of the slogan for the tempters: “What do you prefer, a good doctor or a Basque doctor?” Sociology seems to have not made much progress in us.

What path should we take then? Which shows us experience and science. We have already learned a lot from both. We just need to put it into practice. The Basques have enough “critical mass” for this, as is often said. Qualified and quantified. We are who, we are where, we are how many. We have to come together, influence, act. We have no obligation to speak in Spanish or French. We must use Basque everywhere. If we are able to use the Basque language, do not use it in Spanish. That those who do not know Basque feel the need to learn. And send the local authorities, the candidates, the leaders to put into effect all the conditions for living in Basque. In the whole polysystem of Basque culture, in the public media, in the public and private landscapes of cities and towns, in the administration, in all areas of life. Because Euskera is the only language of all Basque Country.