Imagining reality
Diana Franco 2024ko otsailaren 21a

I once heard from a sex education expert that everything is true. Another day a physicist told me that a thought produces transformations in the cosmos. This pillar has become for me a space to think about the news I know about technology, perhaps, as the physicist said, the possibility of creating something just by thinking. In this thought I'm not always going to the rhythm of the times, but the news we've had this week about Sora has been so suggestive that I've started thinking about it. Sora is the artificial intelligence created by the company OpenIA that can convert text into images. The creations that it can produce seem to be equal to those that human beings can produce. On his web we can see several videos with some of his experiments.

We are able to imagine some changes that can be made with this technology: some audiovisual creators will find new possibilities of exploration, some people will direct their lives to the arms of the immersive worlds created by this type of artificial intelligences, the possibility of assimilating knowledge will be extended... The ideas for translating the reality that comes with artificial intelligence like this will certainly not be lacking for some. What is true is that the reality that technology and the dynamics on which these systems are based can have great limitations: these technologies tend to paralyze bodies, because the attention is placed on the device or the vaccine that can offer that digital reality, and the physical relationships between bodies are broken, all the cognitive relationships are converted, the relationship with nature becomes totally extractive, creating more layers between nature and the new realities, creating more layers.

Fortunately, imagining reality is in everyone's hands, so there's still someone who creates analogical movies, who writes by hand, tells kids a group story, who enjoys with friends at the table. Let us not lose the ability to represent different realities.