Bad blood!
IƱaki Murua 2024ko otsailaren 21a

We studied history at the National School of our country, History of Spain written by the winners. We later learned that some facts were altered or suppressed... For example, in Mexico we were told that those who were on behalf of Spain (including the Basques) cut off the thumb of the right hand so that they could not fix the arrow correctly on the bow rope, but without that finger they remained to work and with less chance to clean the murderers. But because that was confessing to teachers and leaders like ours, they decorated the story or, rather, they succeeded. I didn't like that story.

We must undo the enemy and if the Gaza line has become a broken line, for example, what will they not do? Beware! Because war is the solution most used by force.

And the other, the Sacred History. What I liked most, because we talked about amazing facts and miracles. For example: In Lake Tiberiades, Jesus Christ walked over the water. We: What shoe did you walk with? If there was no boat or it was too expensive, ask... Nor should we forget the punishment of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorra, who had to abandon the honest people while smoking their places of residence, but they were given a curious condition, they could not look back. Two women, out of curiosity or not to fulfill God's word, looked back and turned into salt images. The Ark of Noah was also a joke: cattle, people, plants... and many disorders in that interior, at least like the church of Gabiria. We also learned that the people chosen by God was Israel and divided the sea into two for God to pass his amulets, and when the enemy went down the same road, he devoured the waters forever. There we were discussing: if whoever is able to do so already knew what is going to happen and could not avoid that disaster. Yes, but that's what you have to do to learn, and it's done. We took it all, for us there were no metaphors. We were saying 'go' and that was a contradiction!

And what the Israelis are doing (citizens elected by God) or that we know how to follow the media, the war to the dissolution of the Palestinians! It doesn't matter if the destination is a nursery, a school or a hospital. We must undo the enemy and if the Gaza line has become a broken line, for example, what will they not do? Is the wrong economy obvious? Beware! Because war is the most commonly used solution (the most comfortable one? a) strong. Innocent murdering...

The fort does what he wants, in this fascinating world of sterile heads of ideas.