Hysterical materialism
No hangover
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2024ko otsailaren 21a

Matute wrote on twitter about statements by Feijóo in the Galician election campaign: “These people can’t win.” And they've won. BNG has risen a lot, everyone says. In TVE they say that nationalist parties do not have to be bad (they spoke of non-Spanish nationalism). They highlight the ways of each other. Let's see if the ways of Galician votes spread throughout the state. There is therefore no hangover in Galicia.

In the nationalism of the left, therefore, in the end they say a candidate who maintains the ways. In ours, same. I don't know if they're just ways. At Otxandiano's presentation party, it was said that they wanted to know the only way to make policy for the candidate, from the candidature, to the former, how? Like Channell's garments. I am the one who will enjoy most of any Otxandiano quote, I like debates with subordinate sentences: joke (“he will have real diopters to justify glasses, right?”), thorn (heteronormal cis man), I will enjoy. I would enjoy if I had someone in my head. Who has it? Pradales: I would need an emoticon here. I do not see the strategy, the convenience of losing the elections for the PNV.

The politicians, I think, are elected according to us, who put what they think we are going to vote on. If my intention was to nationalise what it is, indeed, I would now have to put someone against, in a society intimidated by progressive taxes (and above all by inheritance taxes). Well, I would put someone comparable to Channell, who feeds the hobby of those like me. But that number of voters does not reach the mass. I couldn't nationalize myself even if I won. And because mass is not, it will be the covenant. And it will be a pact, because it cannot be another, democratically. When it's not good, when it's red, when it's independence -- you're going to start the bad ways again. Not on this side. At the moment, everything will be today, everything will be the Gipuzkoan middle class.
There will not be tomorrow.