Territory and architecture
Tractors in the city
Ula Iruretagoiena 2024ko otsailaren 14a

The presence in the city walks of a tractor that moves with ease and dexterity in the cornfields, causes a shock of images, an out-of-place device loses its elegance and strength in the city, just as the high-heel shoes lose when you see walking through the mountain. The change of road to the city of the tractor functions, therefore, as a vindictive image, due to the chaos generated by its slow trajectory in urban traffic. Although tractors look large on the streets compared to large passenger cars in cities, greatness does not give them speed as is the case with large passenger cars, nor more safety. The differences in functions between the vehicles report something between the two realities (the city and the countryside), but they do not respond to the classification of the communities “they” and “us”, which are part of a whole, although the urban presence of the tractor clashes with a strange and distant reality. The guide tractor also uses street shoes.

In the city we complain that food prices are high, and the messages from tractors say that they want decent prices for producers. It seems that competition is not played between cities and tractors, but in commercial deals, in another dimension. To demand healthy and sustainable food, we do not need tractors and it is probably more of a market than a supermarket. Let us acknowledge that, once and for all, we must bring the work of the apple producers to the level of the corbatide, dignifying the price of the apple. It is worrying that access to healthy food is possible only through large pockets. I would say that the problem with many small pockets is not the price of the apple, but the price of the house. And that is when the question of tractors begins in a close dialogue with the harsh reality of the city.