Opera Sequestro de Serrallo (Die Entführung dem Serail) by Mozart organized by the ABAO.
Of: The Basque Symphony Orchestra and the Coros of the Bilbao Opera.
Where: Basque Palace of Bilbao.
When: 20 January.
Austrian Emperor José II insisted on a cultural project called Nationalsingspiel, and created a company to perform works in German, since at that time Italian opera prevailed.
The project did not have a very long trajectory, but it created masterpieces like the one we were able to see and hear in the Basque Country by the hand of the ABAO.
Serrallo's kidnapping is Mozart's first Singspiel. This gender consisted of alternating chanted fragments and oral fragments. In current representations, many oral texts are sometimes erased. However, in the ABAO proposal we were able to enjoy all the work.
It is an agile and often comical work, which does not have a deep exploration of the character or dark feelings found in subsequent Mozart operations. Like other contemporary works, this opera enjoys the exoticism of the Ottoman Empire, which ceased to be a military threat to the Austro-Hungarian empire.
From a purely musical point of view, it is a work full of enthusiasts and showy arias.
Upon analyzing what we saw and heard in the Basque Country, the representation did not meet the expectations. It was not a round function for several reasons. Scenography was a bit scarce. It was probably a good idea to recreate a naïve environment. However, the simplicity and, perhaps, the ineffectiveness of the stage direction meant that shows in general are not convinced.
As for the voices, it was a great pity that the tenor Moises Marin had a serious throat problem. I'm sure I didn't have to participate in the premiere, because I struggled with a difficult role. This singer was replaced by another tenor in subsequent performances.
Everyone was eagerly awaiting Jessica Pratt, who has always had memorable performances in Bilbao. Constanz's interpretation was strong and light, and he performed colorations and speed effectively. But he missed magic and brilliance other times. Soprano Leonor Bonilla, in the role of Blond, and Mikeldi Atxalandabaso, in the role of Pedrillo, demonstrated great professionalism, good voices for their roles.
Duela 150 urte, 1875eko martxoaren 7an jaio zen Maurice Ravel musikagile eta konpositorea, Ziburun. Mundu mailan ospetsu dira haren lanak, bereziki Boleroa. Sarri aipatzen da Parisen bizi izan zela, kontserbatorioan ikasi zuela aro berri bateko irakasleekin, munduko txoko... [+]
Opera 'Tristan und Isolde'
Bilbao Symphony Orchestra. Directed by: Assisted by Erik Nielsen.
The Bilbao Opera Choir. Directed by: Assisted by Boris Dujin.
The stage director: To the Allex Eagle.
The soloists: I'm talking about R. Assisted by Nicholls, G. By Hughes Jones, M. The... [+]
Basque Country Herriko Gazte Orkestra. Winter Meeting
Director: Iker Sánchez.
Narrator: Kepa Errasti.
Programme: Works by Britt and Beethoven.
Place: Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia.
Day: 2 January.
After 27 years, we... [+]
Il Trittico de Puccini
by: Symphony Orchestra of Navarra and Opera Choir of Bilbao.
Scene address: Paco Azorín.
Soloists: The great C. Alvarez, A. Blancas, M. Berti C. Isotton, K. Mattila, A. Ibarra, S. Esparza e I. The hotel.
Where: Euskalduna Palace of Bilbao.
... [+]
When we talk about French composers, we think of Claude Debussy and Ravel. There are those who have fun defending one or the other as the best French composer of all time. Frankly, two geniuses have been absolute, as a result of the circumstances of their time. They were a very... [+]
Opera groups Don Pasquale de
Donizetti: OSE and Bilbao Opera Choir.
Soloists: S. Orfila M.J. Moreno, F. Demuro, D. Del Castillo, P.M. Sánchez.
Stage Director: Emiliano Suárez.
Scenography Alfons Flores.
Place: Euskalduna Palace
Date: 19 October.
... [+]
Concert organized by the Columbus Foundation within the RenHagan Music Festival.
Bilbao Symphony Orchestra.
Address: Ramón Tebar.
Soloist: Joaquín Achúcarro.
Programme: Works by Guridi, Grieg and Brahms.
Place: Euskalduna Palace of Bilbao.
Date: 13 September.
... [+]
Quincena Musical of San Sebastian Orchestra
of the Basque Country: Address: J. Rohrer.
Orfeón Donostiarra: Address: J.A. Sáinz Alfaro.
Soloists: The great C. Reiss V. Karkacheva M. Schmitt, H. Müller-Brachmann.
Programme: In the Solemnis Mass of Beethoven, op. 123.
Place:... [+]
Sheet: Quincena Musical from San Sebastian. Kursaal Auditorium Cycle.
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France
Address: Mikko Franck
Soloist: Sol Gabta (cello).
Programme: Works by Debussy, Lalo, Ravel and Stravinsky.
Place: Auditorium Kursaal.Fecha: 30... [+]
Sheet: Quincena Musical from San Sebastian. Kursaal Auditorium Cycle.
Orchestra Filarmónica della Scala de Milan. Address: Riccardo Chailly
Programme: Works by Tchaikovsky and Ravel.
Place: Kursaal auditorium.
Date: 27 August
Perhaps the philharmonic of the Scala of... [+]
Sheet: Quincena Musical from San Sebastian. Cycle Victoria Eugenia.
Alexandra Dovgan (piano).
Programme: Works by Beethoven, Schumann, Rachmaninov and Scriabin.
Place: Victoria Eugenia Theatre. Date: 19 August.
The great composer Luciano Berio said that the virtuosos... [+]
Orchestra Budapest Festival. Address: Ivan Fischer.
Orfeón Donostiarra. Address: José Antonio Sainz Alfaro.
Soloists: Anna Lena Elbert (soprano), Olivia Vermeulen (contralto), Martin Mitterrutzner (tenor), Hanno Müller-Brachmann (low). Place: Audit Kursaal.Fecha: 18... [+]