To stop genocide, BDS and more
Itziar Moreno Martínez 2024ko otsailaren 07a

The International Court of Justice has just taken an historic decision in the Genocide Convention and ratified the acceptability of the South African complaint. "Israel has carried out genocidal actions against the Palestinian people in Gaza, is doing so and is in danger of continuing to do so," and has ordered Israel to stop all genocidal action, to prevent its military from doing so, and to ensure that food, water, medicines and humanitarian needs occupy Gaza and enter the siege. Why do Basque parties not say or even do the same? Of course it prevents them from the interests of their pockets! Corrupt hypocrites, filling the mouth at home of those who have a human right. Unfortunately, in addition to being deformed, they are collaborators of the murderers. What name, if not, does the one who protects and helps the genocide deserve?

Because the PNV government financially supports genocide. The massacre was released by ARGIA: Basque companies sold products worth almost EUR 200 million to Israel in 2022 and, in the first half of 2023, this figure increased by 52%. The Zionist State is among the twenty countries that buy the most in the Basque Country. Over half of the profits are from CAF, of which 3% are from the Basque Government. Well, the Basque government has direct responsibility, as do the Basque companies, and, as the Platform for Accountability with Palestine has recently written, we all have our responsibility.

From the BDS to direct action, all actions are legitimate enough. We must follow all the paths because too much has happened before our eyes.

We only need to move from the word to practice. Among other things, we must multiply the Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) and make them real. In 2005, Palestinian civil society organisations (170 trade unions, political parties, refugee networks, women’s associations, organisations, popular resistance committees and other civil society groups) launched the BDS movement based on the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa to put pressure on Israel. Although the achievements are far from sufficient, significant steps have already been taken, such as the abandonment of investment in Israel by governments of several states such as Sweden, Norway, New Zealand and Luxembourg.

From the BDS to direct action, all actions are legitimate enough. We must use all the stands, roads and forms we have, because it has gone too far before our eyes; because the survival of the remaining Palestinians is only a matter of time.